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She is either the man's motivity of struggling or the man's heart-backing and recursive harbor.

She is easily identifiable by her long hair. 由于她的长发她是容易认出的。
She is easily the best lawyer in the city. 她无疑是本市最好的律师。
She is economical in her use of salt when cooking. 她烹饪时用盐很少。
She is efficient in her work. 她工作效率很高。
She is either Lucy or Lili. 她不是露西就是莉莉。
She is either the man's motivity of struggling or the man's heart-backing and recursive harbor. 她是男人奋斗的动力,是男人心灵的依靠,是男人回归的港弯。
She is elder sister to Susan. 她是苏珊的姊姊。
She is employed by them in an advisory capacity. 他以顾问的身分地位被他们聘用。
She is endowed with both beauty and brains. 她被赋予了美丽与头脑两者。
She is endowed with great writing ability. 她具有杰出的写作天赋。
She is engaged in making clothes for an orphan. 她正忙着替一个孤儿做衣服。

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