Lucky words, you can choose in this store, owning the original factory the object product, even will still have some direct from the original factory product that world-wide locations brings back to drew blueprint.
运气好的话,你可以在本店淘到原厂商标的帖牌产品,甚至还会有一些直接从世界各地带回打样的原厂产品。 |
Lucky, Pilot(4/8/03). Since he's blown all the prize money from his poker competition a year before, Lucky has to scramble to pay back his in-laws for his wife's funeral.
《乐奇》之〈领导者〉(2003年4月8日)。由于输掉了一年前打纸牌游戏时赢得的奖金,乐奇为举办妻子的葬礼不得不抢钱去还给亲家。 |
Lucretia Mott's influence was so significant that she has been credited by some authorities as the originator of feminism in the United States.
s的影响巨大,所以一些权威部门认定她为美国女权运动的创始人。 |
Lucullus invades Armenia, starting centuries of warfare between the Roman and Persian empires.
卢库卢斯入侵亚美尼亚,开始了罗马人和波斯帝国之间持续数百年的战争。 |
Lucy : I've never been on a blind date with a doctor before. Do you think I'm in good shape?
露西:我从未试过跟医生约会,今次是第一次,我的身体好吗? |
Lucy : Well you need a transplant. A personality transplant that is.
露西:你才需要做移植手术,是人格移植。 |
Lucy Locker lost her pocket,Kitty Fisher found it;Not a penny was there in it,Only ribbon round it.
露茜丢了钱袋,基蒂捡到钱袋;里面分文没有,只有一根缎带。 |
Lucy McClane: [hands walkie-talkie over to Lucy] Daddy?
露西·迈克莱恩(接过对讲机):爸爸? |
Lucy and Jorge Orta, two contemporary artists, have created the set; Nitin Sawhney, a musician, provides a near-constant claustrophobic soundscape; and several talented actors, led by Harriet Walter and Imogen Stubbs, recount the ordeals of the besieged.
露西和若热?奥尔塔这两个当代画家创造了布景;音乐家纳汀?索尼提供了萦绕不去、幽闭恐怖的音效;由哈里特?沃尔特和伊莫金?斯塔布斯领衔的几个天才演员叙说了被困者遭受的折磨。 |
Lucy and Lily are twin sisters.
露茜和莉莉是双胞胎姐妹。 |
Lucy and Lily sit back to back.
露西和莉莉背靠背坐着。 |