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This ion channel, present in the membrane of many nociceptors, responds not only to capsaicin, the pungent ingredient in chili peppers, but also to distressful heat and to protons (the hydrogen ions that make substances acidic); protons are unusually abun

This involves each condom being stretched over a metal former and subjected to a high voltage. 这项测试是要把安全套放在一个金属定形器上,然后用高电压进行拉扯。
This involves paying careful attention to the competition areas, ground surfaces, weather conditions, stabling, site safety and fitness of the horse for onward travel after the event. 这需要特别注意比赛场所、地面、天气状况、马厩、场地安全,以及马匹的健康是否能承受考虑赛后的运送。
This involves saving the currently executing thread process's context (i.e. its address space mappings) and restoring the newly executing thread process's context. 这个过程包括存储当前执行线程进程的上下文(如,空间地址)和恢复新执行的线程进程的上下文。
This involves suturing the skin edges together, and also placing sutures through each labrum, from one side to the other, creating thin lips of tissue. 这部分的手术包括将表皮边缘缝合,并在每片阴唇的两边都缝上线,制造出薄薄的唇状组织。
This involves us in looking beyond the confines of the classroom and focusing our attention on the use which individual learners will make of what they have learned. 这涉及到我们超越课堂的局限在展望课室的局限,并着眼于利用个别学员将利用他们所学的知识的使用.
This ion channel, present in the membrane of many nociceptors, responds not only to capsaicin, the pungent ingredient in chili peppers, but also to distressful heat and to protons (the hydrogen ions that make substances acidic); protons are unusually abun 该受体是一种离子通道,出现在许多痛觉受器的细胞膜上,不只对辣椒的辛辣成份起反应,也对伤人的热及质子(造成酸性的氢离子,在发炎组织中特别多)起反应。
This irregular reddish, ulcerated exophytic mid-esophageal mass as seen on the mucosal surface is a squamous cell carcinoma. 不规则微红色外生性溃疡,位于食管中段粘膜表面的的肿块是鳞状细胞癌。
This irregularity, which might become an ambling movement, is a serious deterioration of the gait. 这种不规整的运动是严重的错误步伐,有可能变成侧对步运动。
This is Jingembroidery with the design of A hundred children playing with the god of longevity,which symbilzes happiness, fortune, generational and longevity. 此绣片为京绣,图案是百子戏寿星,它象征着幸福吉祥,多子多孙,长寿,具有较高的收藏价值,可挂在墙上作装饰用。
This is Jingembroidery with the design of Nine Fish,which symbilzes surplus ervey year. 此绣片为京绣,图案是九鱼图,它象征着年年有余,具有较高的收藏价值,可挂在墙上作装饰用。
This is Jingembroidery with the design of Twenty-four ancient examples of showing filial respect. 此绣片为京绣,图案是二十四孝,它提取了二十四例古代孝敬父母的典型。

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