The most promising approach is a tripartite arrangement that splits oil revenues among the national and regional governments and provides a direct benefit to Iraq's 26 million people.
最有希望的方法就是一个三方协议即在中央和地方政府之间摊分石油税,而且向260万伊拉克人民提供直接福利。 |
The most promising line of all, though, is to control an animal's intake of iron.
然而,最重要的一线希望是控制动物铁的摄入量。 |
The most realistic 3D bowling game is back!
很有意思的保龄球游戏。 |
The most recent German national to win the prestigious peace prize was Willy Brandt, the late Social Democratic Chancellor and politician, who won the award in 1971.
此前,最后一位获此殊荣的德国人是已故社会民主党主席、政治家维利·勃兰特,他于1971年获得诺贝尔和平奖。 |
The most recent U.S. employment data should help ease anxiety about the resilience of the world's largest economy.
最新公布的美国就业率数据可以缓解美国经济(反弹)的焦虑。 |
The most recent common ancestors between humans and all the other great apes date back to about 15 million years ago, suggesting this common preference has been part of our brain structures since at least then.
可证明的人类和猿类拥有共同祖先的最近时间是1500万年前,也就是说至少从那个时候起,人类和猿类就拥有同样的记忆方法。 |
The most recent delay came at the end of March, with the dramatic failure of a magnet assembly that had been supplied by CERN's American counterpart, the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) near Chicago.
最近一次推延是在三月底,原因是磁铁装配严重失败,而负责装配的是位于芝加哥附近的美国同行费尔米国家加速器研究所。 |
The most recent evidence is mixed.
最新消息有好有坏。 |
The most recent example of Australia's sporting prowess is its athletes' success at the Sydney 2000 Olypmic and Paralympic Games.
如今,澳大利亚在体育领域获得了成功,一个重要原因是,科学在体育中发挥了作用。 |
The most recent expansion, the big bang of May 2004, when eight ex-communist countries (plus Cyprus and Malta) joined, has been highly successful.
最近一次扩盟发生在2004年5月,在这次非常成功的剧变中共有八个前共产主义国家(加上塞浦路斯和马耳他)加入了欧盟。 |
The most recent figures show that the area of rainforest destroyed last year alone was bigger than the size of Great Britain and Ireland.
最新的统计数字表明,仅去年一年毁掉的雨林的面积就大于英国和爱尔兰两国的面积之和。 |