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Damian Duff has already left the club for Newcastle after seeing very little action with the Premiership champions.

Damages to the roads should be compensated for according to the seriousness of cases. 对公路造成损坏的,应当按照损坏程度给予补偿。
Damaging the goods puts you under an obligation to buy them. 你损坏了这些商品,你就得都买下来。
Damascus has become feeble; She has turned to flee, And\caps0 panic has taken hold of her; Pain and anguish seize her, Like a woman giving birth. 24大马色发软,转身逃跑;恐慌将她捉住,痛苦忧愁将她抓住,如正在生产的妇人一样。
Damascus is waxed feeble, and turneth herself to flee, and fear hath seized on her: anguish and sorrows have taken her, as a woman in travail. 24大马士革发软,转身逃跑。战兢将她捉住。痛苦忧愁将她抓住,如产难的妇人一样。
Dameon Sharkey, a student from my adaptive physical education class, walked into my office with his mom and gave me his life savings of ' 60-all in ' 5 bills. 达明思·沙开是我教的适应性体育班的一名学生,他和他的母亲走进我们办公室,将他票面额全是五元共60美元的全部储蓄都给了我。
Damian Duff has already left the club for Newcastle after seeing very little action with the Premiership champions. 达米恩?达夫已经转会纽卡斯尔以获得更多的出场机会。
Damien Duff and William Gallas were under treatment as work continued to get them fit for the Nou Camp tomorrow. 达夫和加拉正在接受治疗以使他们能在明天诺坎普的比赛中上场。
Damien Duff has returned to full training ahead of the Blackburn game. 达米恩.达夫在对阵布莱克本的比赛前回到球队,并参加了完整的训练.
Damien Duff has revealed it broke his heart to leave Chelsea for Newcastle this summer, but had to move for the sake of his career. 达夫透露今年夏天从切尔西转会纽卡令他很伤心,但为了他的职业生涯,他不得不这么做。
Damien Duff may also leave Stamford Bridge after his hopes for a contract extension suffered when he was informed he would be forced to take a significant pay cut. 当达夫希望延长合同时被告知他的工资将会被削减,他也有可能离开斯坦福桥。
Damien was a top box office draw in his first Chelsea season until he dislocated his shoulder at Christmas, beginning a run of bad fortune that all but ended his campaign. 加盟切尔西的首个赛季里达米恩是球队最受欢迎的票房之一,直到他在圣诞节期间肩膀脱臼,开始了一场无法出场比赛的厄运。

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