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It's difficult to understand him because he has a speech impediment.

It's difficult to recruit teachers of quality. 要聘请到素质好的老师是很困难的。
It's difficult to sell a house with a sitting tenant. 住著房客的房子很难卖.
It's difficult to study this using neuronal stimulation, because there's no easy way to ensure equivalence of the stimuli used to activate different regions. 由于很难确定激发不同区域的刺激是等值的,这很难用神经元模拟来探讨。
It's difficult to tell Jean from Joan; they look so alike. 琴和琼很难分得出来,她们长得太像了。
It's difficult to tell how Buss will respond to Bryant's request or if this new information will have any impact on that decision. 很难预料巴斯对科比要求做何反映,或者这新的视频新闻会对转会的决定有什么影响。
It's difficult to understand him because he has a speech impediment. 他的话很难听懂,因为他讲话口吃。
It's difficult, because there are so many things that are subliminal, you know, it's not something you really know. 这很难说,因为有许多事情实际上是下意识的,你明白我的意思吧,这是一些你自己也很难说清楚的事。
It's difficult, but I'm going to persevere with it. 难是难,但我一定坚持到底.
It's difficult, but I'm going to persevere with it. 难是难, 但我一定坚持到底.
It's disappointing that Columbine was put on the map because of a high school shooting. 令人失望的是,科伦拜高中是因为校园扫射事件才广为人知。
It's disappointing! 真令人失望!

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