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The diameter of this wire rope (hemp rope, sling) is three-fourth inches (3/4”).

The diameter is 50 centimetres, with pitch-dark as bottom, with red green, getting red various kinds of color paint draw out the pattern, is it make various kinds of butterfly and flowers line kind to carve silver thin slice and then , paste in painting c 直径50厘米,以黑漆为底,用红、绿、红等各种色漆绘制出图案,再将银薄片刻制成各种蝴蝶与花卉等纹样,用大漆粘贴在打磨光滑的漆胎上,待干燥后,全面髹漆数层再经研磨显出银花纹,使花纹与漆底达到同样平度,再加推光就成为精美的平脱漆器花盘。
The diameter of fungus lid and stem for 101# bred hybrid new specie is between its parents. Its yield is however is increased a lot. 杂交新品种101#的菌盖、菌柄的直径、菌盖厚度和菌柄长度介于两亲本之间,其产量有较大提高。
The diameter of the earth is about 7,926 miles. 地球的直径约为7,926哩。
The diameter of the star Betelgeuse is more than a quarter the size of our entire solar system. 猎户座中的一等星的直径比我们整个太阳系直径的四分之一还要大。
The diameter of the tree-trunk is about 2 meters. 这树干的直径大约是2米。
The diameter of this wire rope (hemp rope, sling) is three-fourth inches (3/4”). 这钢丝绳(麻绳、吊索)的直径为3/4英寸。
The diameter size of the fiber determines the signal strength and photometric signal-to-noise. Any size fiber can be coated. 光纤的直径尺寸决定了信号的强度和光度计的信噪比。任何尺寸都能被涂覆。
The diamond crystal is coated with Ni, which can increase the cohesive strength between bond and diamond, It also prolongs the life of tools. 在金刚石晶体表面镀上一层镍金属层,增加磨料与结合剂之间的结合力,提高工具的寿命。
The diamond cut ratios, such as girdle diameter, total depth, pavilion depth, pavilion angle, crown depth, crown angle, table size, girdle depth and the other related symmetry parameters, can be calculated with those key corners. 该系统可用于成品钻石的切工分级、钻石加工过程的质量检验以及作为钻石销售环节中的促销手段。
The diamond is composed/comprised of carbon element. 金刚石是由碳元素构成的.
The diamond is made of carbin. 金刚石是由碳元素构成的.

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