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Controversy about Shu Ting's misty poetry aggregated focus and topics of the controversial both sides whose attitude to Shu Ting's misty poetry were self-identity as well as repulsion or avoidance sometimes.

Controls surge reset and reload. 控制喘振复位和再加载.
Controls the frequency of the fractal pattern. The range is 0 (low frequency) to 1 (high frequency). The default value is 0.707. 控制碎片图案的频率.滑动器范围是0(低频)到1(高频).缺省值是0.707.
Controls the specular highlight color. The default is white, but you can choose any color. You can also map a texture to this value. 控制高光颜色.缺省值是白色,但是你可以选择任何颜色.你还可以贴图一个纹理到这个值.
Controversial anti-pollution Bill approved in Canada IN A highly-charged political climate, Canada has adopted tough new measures to act as a deterrent to ship-source oil pollution, despite strong opposition to certain features from domestic and internati 尽管受到了来自国内和国际海运行业的反对,加拿大政府依然通过了防污染法案,该法案将通过采取强硬的措施对来自船舶的污染进行管理。
Controversial subjects should be avoided at all costs. 需要注意的是本月要完全避免有可能引起争议的事情。
Controversy about Shu Ting's misty poetry aggregated focus and topics of the controversial both sides whose attitude to Shu Ting's misty poetry were self-identity as well as repulsion or avoidance sometimes. 摘要舒婷作为“朦胧诗”的主将不可避免地被卷入了“朦胧诗”论争中,并且被推至论争舞台的中心,对舒婷诗歌的批评集合了当时“朦胧诗”论争中双方关注的焦点和议题。
Controversy began swirling last November. 争论的白热化始于去年十一月。
Controversy has also surfaced in Ohio and Utah. 俄亥俄州和犹他州也出现了如此的争议。
Convac Technologies specializes in the design and integration of manufacturing solutions for the optical disc markets. 康维克科技有限公司是一家专门设计、开发和生产光盘复制设备的企业。
Convenience is, however, in all affairs of life, an execrable test of value. 然而,在生活的一切事务中投合是可恶的实用准则。
Convenience stores reported that condom sales rose by up to 28 percent in the week after the test, it said. 报道中说,韩国便利店的安全套销量在朝鲜核试验一周后上升了28%。

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