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The bear's den was in a cave.

The bear is chafing against the bars. 那只熊在铁栅上摩擦身体。
The bear showed up earlier in the evening as barbequed ribs were being prepared and came back later, apparently looking for leftovers. 前半夜,当正在准备烤肋骨的时候,那只熊出现了,且稍后又来寻找吃剩的食物。
The bear trotted quickly away and was soon hidden by the trees. 熊快速地离开了,不一会儿,就消失在树林里。
The bear was a fully grown adult . 那支熊已完全发育成熟.
The bear went away soon after finding out she is just a dead body. 熊在发现它只是一具尸体之后就走开了。
The bear's den was in a cave. 这熊的窝是在一个洞穴里。
The bearer may also provide written notice to all debtors of the bill at the same time. 持票人也可以同时向各汇票债务人发出书面通知。
The bearer may exercise the right of recourse against any one or all of the persons mentioned in the preceding paragraph without being required to observe the order in which the debtors have become bound. 持票人可以不按照汇票债务人的先后顺序,对其中任何一人、数人或者全体行使追索权。
The bearer must endorse and hand over the bill when exercising his rights as stipulated in the first paragraph of this article. 持票人行使第一款规定的权利时,应当背书并交付汇票。
The bearer need only present proper identification. 持票人只需现时有效证明。
The bearer of ascension reminds all others of the need to align with the cycles of evolution that are solar and creational in nature. 提升的肩负者,提醒其他所有人与进化周期结盟的需要,那是太阳系和造物的性质。

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