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This fire hose is about sixty feet long.
这段消防水管大约有60 英尺长。

This finding may seem counterintuitive , since many smokers attest to feeling more alert and focused after smoking. 这一发现似乎和我们的直觉正好相反,因为很多人都觉得在抽完烟后反应会更敏捷,注意力更集中。
This finding persisted in the sensitiity analyses performed, which excluded the studies that did not report clearly that measurement of progesterone did not affect patients' management and those that did not report definition of clinical pregnancy. 这个结果在敏感性分析中也是成立的,排除了没有清楚报道孕酮测量是否影响病人结局的研究和那些没有明确报道是否临床妊娠的研究。
This finding raises the possibility that short-term, rather than long-term, biological actions provide the basis for ginkgo's reported effects on cognition. 这样的结果提出了银杏具有短期、而非长期生物作用的可能性,也为银杏改善认知的能力提供了基础。
This finding supports the idea that non-REM sleep wards off metabolic harm. 这项发现支持了非REM睡眠可以避免代谢伤害的想法。
This finding, they say, suggests that testosterone depletion in aging men may be a risk factor for AD by promoting accumulation of Aa in the brain. 他们说,这项发现表明在老年人中存在的睾酮缺失可能会成为阿尔次海默病的危险因子之一,因为它可以提高大脑中的Aa的蓄积。
This fire hose is about sixty feet long. 这段消防水管大约有60 英尺长。
This fire hose is about sixty feet long. 这段消防水管大约有60英尺长。
This fire safe design provides a zero leakage barrier on both upstream and downstream. Detail description is found on page 6. 这种防火安全结构对于上游和下游具有零泄漏屏障性能。细节描述请参阅第6页。
This fire sale was not enough for one creditor, Merrill Lynch, which seized collateral and threatened to auction it off to cover its losses. 但这次低价甩卖对美林来说依然不够,美林声称准备将其持有的持有的担保债券拍卖,以弥补损失。
This fireplace smokes (badly). 这个壁炉烟冒得(太)厉害.
This firm can't afford (to carry) passengers . 这家商行养不起闲散人员.

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