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Oversees the planning, coordinating and following-up of the progress of work on all accounts and oversees all time schedules.

Oversee the development and implementation of creative plans and programs that anticipate and meet the guest needs and interests. 制定好符合客人需求和兴趣的富有创意项目发展并执行。
Oversee the repair &reconditioning works carried out in the workshop. 确保维修和翻新工作在工厂顺利开展。
Oversees A/R collection and coordinates with Finance Department. 监督管理应收账款收集并与财务部门协调配合。
Oversees all mine activities such as: areas to be mined and developed, and rate of development; control of mineral quality and tonnage; and the distribution of labor, supplies and equipment. 监督、指导所有采矿工作活动,如:计划要开采、掘进的区域,掘进的速度,控制矿石质量和数量,人力、资源和设备的调配等。
Oversees the coordination of building space allocation and layout, communication services and facilities expansion. 预见建筑的分配和布局、沟通服务设施和设备扩建。
Oversees the planning, coordinating and following-up of the progress of work on all accounts and oversees all time schedules. 整体计划、协调和跟进所有客户工作、项目和时间安排。
Overshot more than 3/16 inch and undershot more than 1/8 inch are disqualifications. 上超咬合超过3/16英寸和下超咬合超过1/8英寸要被取消比赛资格。
Oversight is through either an independent commissioner or ombudsman authorized to receive and investigate complaints. 由独立的委员或经授权受理和调查投诉的民情调查委员负责监督法律的实施。
Oversight of the case was given to F. J. 这一案件的监督权交给了弗尼瓦·琼斯。
Oversized or replacement gudgeon pins are fitted to engine and/or piston manufacturer's specifications. 根据制造厂的要求,重新加工或换新的曲轴针已安装上机器或活塞。
Overspeed not only causes to avoid colliosion more difficultly, but also increase the possiblility of collision and gravity. 心急地赶时间、争强好胜、寻找刺激是产生超速行驶的心理特征。

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