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In my submission, the witness is lying.

In my spare time, i like to play football, chat with my friends in a bar or go to a cinema as well as do something i want to do. i think all this can relax and make me keep a good state. 闲暇的时候,我喜欢打足球,和朋友出去坐坐、聊天,,还可以看看电影,做做自已想做的事,这样可以放松心情,保持一个良好的心态。
In my spare time,I usually read or talk with friends. 业余时间我经常看书或是与朋友聊天。
In my spare-time,I teach night classes. 业余时间我在夜校授课。
In my state we are fourteen hours behind Beijing time. 我们国家的时间比北京时间迟十四小时。
In my submission these proposals are completely unworkable. 在我看来,这些建议完全不可行。
In my submission, the witness is lying. 本人认为证人所言不实
In my teens I loved writers like Dostoyevsky, Kafka and Balzac, but I never imagined I could write anything that would measure up to the works they left us. 我十来岁时喜欢杜斯妥也夫斯基、卡夫卡和巴尔札克等作家,但我从不敢想像,我能写出一些东西,和他们传世之作媲美。
In my time I have been called many things: sister, lover, priestess, wise-woman, queen. 我一生中曾被冠以很多称谓:姐姐、爱人、祭司、智者,以及王后。
In my time, they spoke of the Yale man.I was really never sure what that was. 当大家谈论到耶鲁人,我实在是从来不确定这到底意味着什么。
In my tradition we revere the masters for being even kinder than the buddhas themselves. 在我的传承教派中,我们尊敬上师更甚于佛陀。
In my twilight, unfocused state I saw him almost as a spirit shape rather than a full blown person. 我当时正处于那种视力模糊的懵懂状态中,而他对我来说,就像个幽灵,而不是一个完整的人影。

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