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In the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, the juxtaglomerular apparatus helps regulate volume and pressure.

In the remainder of this chapter, I'm going to discuss some miscellaneous topics that might be useful in various parts of your driver. 在本章剩下的部分里,我将要讨论的几个话题,可能对于你的驱动的很多方面有所帮助。
In the remaining 11 patients, in whom noncontrast CT was negative for thrombi, were found to have infarcts in the basal ganglia or cortex several days later. 增强CT检查结果阴性的11人,数天后证实为基底节或大脑皮层脑梗塞。
In the remaining six fixtures, United kick off first in three, one is between the two teams, and the remaining two kick off at the same time. 在余下的六场比赛中,在三场是曼联先作赛,一场是双方对垒,剩下两场是同时开赛。
In the remote district of Turkana, churches provide seven out of the vast area's eight secondary schools. 在面积广阔的图尔卡纳的偏远地区,8间中等职校中有7间都是有教堂来提供。
In the render on the right, the same texture was mapped to just the Incandescence channel. 在右侧的渲染中,同样的纹理只在白炽通道上贴图。
In the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, the juxtaglomerular apparatus helps regulate volume and pressure. 在肾素-血管紧张素-醛固酮系统中,肾小球旁体帮助调节血容量和压力。
In the report pointed out that, In the nation which just finished 'two meetings ' on, the blog has raised an upsurge onceagain, one group of Deputy to the National People's Congress,commissar of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference,repor 报道中指出:“在刚刚结束的全国‘两会’上,博客再度掀起了一股热潮,一批人大代表、政协委员、报道两会的记者以及普通网民都首次利用博客这个平台,对‘两会’相关内容进行了报道,发表见解,畅谈感受。
In the report released Wednesday about 36 percent of respondents said they would probably drop health benefits for their workers if they were subject to malpractice suits. 雇主显然担心这样的立法会为对他们类似的起诉打开大门。公司已经在竭力支付日益增长的医疗费用,处理工人们的投诉,这些工人认为管理医疗计划阻碍了他们享受医疗服务。
In the report released Wedney about 36 percent of respondents said they would probably drop health benefits for their workers if they were subject to malpractice suits. 雇主显然担心这样的立法会为对他们类似的起诉打开大门。公司已经在竭力支付日益增长的医疗费用,处理工人们的投诉,这些工人认为管理医疗计划阻碍了他们享受医疗服务。
In the rescheduling on a single machine, a set of original jobs has already been scheduled to minimize some cost objective, when a new set of jobs arrives and creates a disruption. 摘要在单机重新排序问题中,一个原始工件集已经排好顺序,使得给定的目标函数最小。
In the research of earthquake forecast, continuous observation on the stress changes and the changes of stress direction should be sufficiently regarded in a danger region happening structural earthquakes. 在地震预测研究中,既要重视对地震危险区块内的应力大小变化的实时观测,亦要重视对地震危险区块内应力方向变化的实时观测。

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