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The war separated many families.

The war of Spanish Independence started in 1808 with the invasion by French Napoleonic troops and lasted until 1814, when the French were defeated and expelled from the country. 西班牙独立战争始于1808年法国拿破仑大军入侵,之后持续至1814年法军被击败退并赶出这个国家为止。
The war of rebelling Japan broke out in this place. 这里是抗日战争暴发的地方。
The war officially ended in 945. 那场战争于1945年正式结束。
The war on terror goes on. 反恐之战仍在继续。
The war plunged the nation into complete chaos. 战争使这个国家陷入完全的混乱。
The war separated many families. 战争使许多家庭妻离子散。
The war situation was inverted and the invaders were defeated. 在出发前,他重新申请了他的护照,因为他原先的那个无效了。
The war still bulks large in the memories of those who fought in it. 对於那些曾参战的人来说,那场战争仍记忆犹新。
The war that was disastrous to human had what effect on poets? 1这场给人类带来巨大灾难的战争对这样一个诗人产生了什么影响呢?
The war took a heavy toll of human life. 这次战争夺去了许多人的生命.
The war was carried into enemy territory. 战争已伸展到敌方领土.

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