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That's a little off the point.

That's a hell of a good car. 那是一部极好的汽车。
That's a heroic statue. 那是个英雄的雕像。
That's a hypothetical question because that hasn't happened to me - it's not about the money for me,' Beckham said. “那只是一种猜测因为那没有发生——与钱无关。”贝克汉姆说。
That's a large city in northern Greece. 那是希腊北部的一个大城市。
That's a liberal point of view. 这是一个自由的见解。
That's a little off the point. 那有点偏离焦点。
That's a lot of 4)shoveling for handlers and zoo staff, so the invention of an elephant toilet is welcome news to 5)zookeepers. 驯养者及动物园工作人员可得花很多时间去铲掉,因此,对动物园管理者而言,大象抽水马桶的发明可是个大好消息。
That's a lot of cars, but that's just how many were filled in Minnesota in 1905. 那真是为数众多的车子,但那只是1905年一年,驶离明尼苏达州,车上装满圆木的车数。
That's a lot of crap. 那真是一派胡言。
That's a lot of dung. 这是多大一堆粪便啊。
That's a lot of money; then again, the price includes a cellphone, video iPod, e-mail terminal, Web browser, camera, alarm clock, Palm-type organizer and one heck of a status symbol. 它的许多功能是值很多钱币的,无线电话,电视频道,电子邮件,网络浏览器,照相机,闹钟,手工操作系统等,是一种时尚社会地位的象征.

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