To maximize the net income of the institutional arrangement by equilibrating the agency cost and the financial synergy effect is not only the object of the financial control of enterprise group, but also is the implication of the financial control.
通过均衡代理成本和财务协同效应使财务控制的制度安排净收益最大化不仅是企业集团财务控制的目标,同时也蕴涵财务控制的机理。 |
To me ,it's a tough task indeed.
这对我来说是个太艰巨的任务. |
To me TRF is helping Andrea.
对我来说扶轮基金会帮助了安德莉亚。 |
To me a lush carpet of pine needles or spongy grass is more welcome than the most luxurious Persian rug.
对我来说四季的壮观而华丽的展示是一部令人激动的、无穷尽的戏剧。 |
To me belongeth vengeance, and recompence; their foot shall slide in due time: for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste.
申32:35他们失脚的时候、伸冤报应在我.因他们遭灾的日子近了、那要临在他们身上的、必速速来到。 |
To me frustration does not exist.
消沉不在我的字典上。 |
To me it seemed sinister that Mother always passed on any small achievement of mine.
妈妈总是把我每一点小小的成绩传递过去,我觉得这样做好像是不吉利。 |
To me it was the reassuring sound of nature, trying not to be forgotten.
对我而言,这是大自然赐予的令人难忘的静心曲。 |
To me surprised that he couldn't take in what I said .
令我吃惊的是,他竟然没有理解我说的话。 |
To me that is the heaviest punishment that I had ever undergone and could never afford.
对我而言,这是我所经历过的最重的惩罚,这样的惩罚我是永远无法承受的。 |
To me the pageant of seasons is a thrilling and unending drama, the action of which streams through my finger tips.
对我来说,四季的奇瑰变幻犹如一出动人心弦的永不落幕的话剧,它的情节似水般徐徐从我指尖流过。 |