Skin effect is the tendency for alternating current to flow near the sruface of the conductor in lieu of flowing in a manner as to utilize the entire cross-sectional area of the conductor.This phenomenon causes the resistance of the conductor to increase.
表面疚是指交流电流较倾向于导体的表面传导而非流经整个导体截面的趋势,这些现象会造成导体的电阻提高,与导体中的电流有关的磁场在导体中心部位产生过电流而阻碍了中心部位的主要电流,当交流电的频率增加时,主要电流的流向会进一步被推挤到导体表面。 |
Skin electrodes are usually best placed between the infant's nipple and armpit and may be repositioned somewhere else.
皮肤电极通常置于婴儿乳头和腋窝之间,也可以置于其他部位。 |
Skin lotions can be used to moisturize your skin, conditioning it and making it more clear and beautiful.
洗面奶可以滋润皮肤,起到护理和使它变得更清洁和美丽。 |
Skin lubricating strip secretes lubricant when wet, reducing friction and making a better shaving effect.
润肤紧滑条遇水分泌润滑液,有效减少摩擦,令剃须效果更佳. |
Skin metastasis from hypopharyngeal carcinoma appears to be refractory to radiotherapy and chemotherapy and has a poor prognosis.
下咽癌合并远处皮肤转移极为少见,并且似乎对同时性的放射治疗合并化学治疗反应不佳。 |
Skin of hands or face's cleanliness, disinfection and killing of bacteria.
手部脸部肌肤的清洁,消毒,杀菌. |
Skin problems, especially eczema and psoriasis, respond to its high content of vitamins A and E.
对于湿疹和银屑病等皮肤顽症,能够通过吸收鳄梨油中的维生素A和E,得到很好的治疗。 |
Skin protection to protect skin from injury.
保护皮肤,以防皮肤受伤。 |
Skin the insulation material of wires with a length 5 cm more than that of wire clip, and hang C form parts and splitting wire on the main cable ,and then insert the wedge between the two wires with force .
剥离绝缘导线绝缘层,剥离长度应大于线夹长度5厘米,将C形元件和分接线一起挂在主线上,将楔块用力插入两导线之间。 |
Skin whitening is the most sought after treatment in Asia, the survey showed, with one in 10 Asian consumers buying bleaching products and 50 percent saying they would lighten their skin if money was no object.
调查显示,皮肤美白在亚洲最为盛行,十分之一的亚洲消费者购买过皮肤漂白产品,50%的人称如果经济上不成问题,他们会去做美白护理。 |
Skin-care products made from papain such as papain whitening soap, soap, facial cleanser and body wash can help remove cuticle, thus making you skin soft, tender and full of vigor.
以木瓜酶为主成分制成的木瓜白肤香皂、肥皂、洗面奶、沐浴露等美容护肤产品可有效去除死皮,令肌肤鲜嫩柔和,充满活力。 |