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All wetted valve components - test cocks, ball valve shutoffs, pipe nipples, body and cover, and check modules are made from Lead FreeStainless Steel or Plastic construction.

All were looking so safe and cosy that she smiled at her fears now and sat down tranquilly by the fire to sew. 一切都显得那么平安,那么舒适,达林太太不禁对自己的担心好笑,她于是静静地坐在火炉旁,缝起衣裳来。
All were present at the meeting. (所有的人都参加了会议。)
All were there, not excepting him. 所有的人都来了,他也不例外。
All were urged to do a good job at an Olympic rehearsal next year. 官员还敦促所有单位在明年奥运会预演时能有出色表现。
All wetted rubber parts shall be manufactured from silicone or chloramine resistant EPDM rubber. 所有湿橡胶部件应该采用硅酮或抗氯胺三元乙丙橡胶(EPDM)制造。
All wetted valve components - test cocks, ball valve shutoffs, pipe nipples, body and cover, and check modules are made from Lead FreeStainless Steel or Plastic construction. 全焊接阀门部件-测试旋塞,球阀关闭阀,管螺纹接套,阀体和阀盖,以及止回阀模块都采用“无铅”不锈钢或塑料结构。
All white save the river, that marked its course by a winding black line across the landscape; and the leafless trees, that against the leaden sky now revealed more fully the wonderful beauty and intricacies of their branches. 在—片白茫茫之中,只有河流在美丽的画面上划出一道曲曲弯弯的黑线,还有那叶儿落净的树木,映衬着铅灰色的天空,此刻更显得枝丫交错,姿态万千。
All who are with me greet you. Greet those who love us in faith. Grace be with you all. 15同我在一起的众人都问你安。请代问那些因信爱我们的人安。愿恩典与你们众人同在。
All who cross over, those twenty years old or more, are to give an offering to the LORD. 14凡过去归那些被数的人,从二十岁以外的,要将这礼物奉给耶和华。
All who found them have devoured them, And their adversaries have said, We are not guilty, Because they have sinned against Jehovah, The habitation of righteousness, Even Jehovah, the hope of their fathers. 7凡遇见他们的,就把他们吞灭;他们的敌人说,我们没有罪,因为他们得罪了那作公义居所的耶和华,就是他们列祖所盼望的耶和华。
All who hear about you Will clap their hands over you, For on whom has not your evil passed continually? 凡听你信息的、必都因此向你拍掌.你所行的恶谁没有时常遭遇呢。

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