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Her sudden resignation completely threw me out.

Her success in business had earned her a certain cachet in society. 她事业有成, 赢得了一定的社会声望.
Her successful jump brought a spontaneous cheer from the crowd. 她成功地跳过棋竿后,群众自发性的发出一阵观呼声。
Her sudden arrival put an end to their meeting. 她的突然来到使他们的会议终止了。
Her sudden departure has disarranged my plans. 她突然离去, 打乱了我的计划.
Her sudden marriage is the talk of the street. 她的突然结婚成了街上热门话题。
Her sudden resignation completely threw me out. 她的突然辞职使我完全地不知所措。
Her sudden tragic death sparked off a feeding frenzy in the media. 她的突然的悲惨的故去,导致媒体蜂拥而至的采访。
Her suggestion deserves a deep consideration. 她的建议值得深思。
Her suggestion is that we should do this by turns. 她的建议是我们轮流做这件事。
Her suggestion received a rather unenthusiastic welcome. 她的建议受到冷遇。
Her suggestion was laughed down just a week ago, but now they are thinking about it seriously. 她的建议一周前大家只是一笑了之,但是现在都在认真地加以考虑。

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