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Italian marksman Vieri has been persistently linked with the Giuseppe Meazza exit door, while skilful Uruguayan Recoba is reportedly unhappy with his role under coach Alberto Zaccheroni.

Italian director Leone's second feature, A Fistful of Dollars, caused a revolution. 意大利导演莱昂内的第二部影片《荒野大镖客》曾引起了一场革命。
Italian explorer Marco Polo supposedly brought it back to Europe in 1295 after a long trip to the East. 据说在公元1295年,意大利探险家马可·波罗结束漫长的东方之旅后,将冰淇淋带回欧洲。
Italian forces are the first to use airships for military purposes, using them for reconnaissance behind Turkish lines. 1912年的今天,意大利军队首次将飞艇用作军事用途,使用它们在土耳其战线的后方进行侦查。
Italian giants Inter have reportedly agreed a fee with Benfica for highly-rated stopper Luisao. 根据报道,国际米兰已经同本菲卡就天才中卫路易扎奥转会一事达成一致。
Italian is perhaps the epitome of European Mediterranean food with various fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs and fish as well as plenty of delicious olive oil. 意大利菜凝结了欧洲地中海菜肴的特色,采用各种各样的新鲜蔬菜、水果、药草、鱼,以及大量美味的橄榄油。
Italian marksman Vieri has been persistently linked with the Giuseppe Meazza exit door, while skilful Uruguayan Recoba is reportedly unhappy with his role under coach Alberto Zaccheroni. 近来一直有关于维耶里的转会传闻,而现在又传雷科巴对于教练扎切罗尼的安排不满意。
Italian mathematician and physicist who invented the mercury barometer. 托里切利,伊凡吉利斯坦1608-1647意大利数学家和物理学家,他发明了水银温度计
Italian media speculated that the deal could have paved the way for Roma's Romanian defender Cristian Chivu to go to Inter. 意大利媒体日前推测,这笔交易有可能是为罗马的罗马尼亚后卫齐沃加盟国米创造条件.
Italian painter and sculptor noted for the graceful, elongated lines of his portraits and nudes, including Reclining Nude(1917). 莫迪利亚尼,阿梅代1884-1920意大利画家和雕塑家,以其雕塑和裸体画优美、拉长的线条而著称,包括斜卧的裸女(1917年)
Italian painter trained in the Byzantine style and considered the first master of the Florentine school. 契马布埃,乔瓦尼1240?-1302?受训于拜占庭风格的意大利画家,被认为是佛罗伦萨学院的首任校长
Italian painter, architect, and art historian who wrote Lives of the Most Imminent Italian Architects, Painters, and Sculptors(1550), a history of Renaissance art. 瓦萨里,乔吉奥1511-1574意大利画家、建筑师和艺术历史学家,他创作了最迫近的意大利建筑师、画家和雕塑家的生活(1550年),这是一部关于文艺复兴艺术的历史

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