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As an important component of the civil service system, it is the important mechanism which concerns the working efficiency of national administrative organ and quality that the civil servant is trained.

As an historian, Luke wrote to Theopholis to tell what happened after Jesus' resurrection. 作为一名历史学者,路加在写给提阿非罗的信中讲述了耶稣复活后发生的事情。
As an historical text-book from one of the youngest of American universities tells us, with an unconscious touch of local color, it had none of the attributes of the material existence which with us are so self-evident. 这种和地方特色的无意识的接触(在地方特色的潜移默化下),正如一所美国最新成立的大学的历史课本所说,其不再具有一丝唯物存在的属性,我们曾经对此是如此的自以为是。
As an image-numberologist, he made many kinds of interpretations for Gua-bian and insists all theories concerning the transformation between hexagrams be regarded as Gua-bian theory. 他对“卦变”做出了多种解读,提出凡是由一卦演变出另一卦及有关意义的思想,皆可视为卦变。
As an import part of basic education, and to achieve the purpose of the new class reforming, Physic Education (PE) need a certain class resource. 摘要体育课程作为基础教育的一门重要课程,要达到新一轮课程改革的目标,需要有一定的课程资源作为前提。
As an important channel to construct historical memory, mass media expresses historical memory by three patterns: (1) reporting history, constructing history memory as witnesses; (2) reappearing history, constructing historical memory as repeaters; (3) re 摘要大众传媒作为建构历史记忆的重要渠道,拥有三种表达历史记忆的模式:(1)报道历史,以见证人的身份进行历史记忆;(2)再现历史,以复述者的视野建构历史记忆;(3)重塑历吏,以艺术家的想象丰富历史记忆。
As an important component of the civil service system, it is the important mechanism which concerns the working efficiency of national administrative organ and quality that the civil servant is trained. 摘要作为公务员制度的一个重要组成部分,公务员培训是关系到国家行政机关工作效率与质量的重要机制。
As an important component of the public sector, the collective sector of the economy plays a significant role in achieving common prosperity. 集体经济是公有制经济的重要组成部分,对实现共同富裕具有重要作用。
As an important concept in SLA, interlanguage fossilization is an inevitable phenomenon in the process of foreign language learning. 摘要中介语石化作为二语习得的重要概念,是外语学习过程中不可避免的现象。
As an important constituent element of Tibetan adornment culture, Tibetan headwears are culturally rich and varied. 摘要藏族头饰文化丰富多姿,是藏族服饰文化的重要组成部分。
As an important creation of the organization and system out of the market and nation system, the non-profitable organization takesa great role in promoting administration reform, providing public goods, pushing social welfare and realizing social harmonio 摘要非营利组织作为一项在市场体制和国家体制之外的重大的组织创新和制度创新,以其独特的性质和特有的优势,在公共管理过程中,在促进行政改革、提供公共物品、推动社会公益和实现社会和谐等方面发挥着重要的作用。
As an important economic information system that roots in enterprise and faces market, to adapt the changes of economic environment and market environment, financial report must renovate unceasingly in the aspects such as its report system, content, way a 摘要财务报告作为立足企业、面向市场的一个重要的经济信息系统,为适应经济环境和市场环境的变革,必须要在其报告体系、内容、方式、模式等方面进行不断变革,才能在企业生存与发展中更好地发挥其特有的功能和作用。

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