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Following fundraising appeals to individuals and various charitable organizations, the Boston Lying-In Hospital, one of the nation's first maternity hospitals, opens its doors to women unable to afford in-home medical care.

Following business students, 54 percent of graduate engineering students admitted to cheating, as did 50 percent of physical science students, 49 percent of medical and health-care students, 45 percent of law students, 43 percent of liberal arts students 紧随经贸专业毕业生之后,54%的工科专业毕业生承认有过欺骗行为,而这样的理科专业毕业生有50%,医学专业毕业生有49%,法律专业毕业生有45%,文科专业毕业生有43%,社会科学和人文科学专业毕业生有39%。
Following closely behind was the strong ox, and it was named the 2nd animal in the zodiac. 紧随其后的是强壮的公牛,它被指定为第二个生肖。
Following examinations of testes ruled out diseased left testis and revealed an atrophic right testis, which resulted in a decrease in FDG uptake and asymmetric picture. 后续检查排除左侧睾丸之疾患且显示右侧为一萎缩睾丸,导致氟-18-去氧葡萄糖摄取减少,造成睾丸摄取不对称的情形。
Following eyeball-to-eyeball consultations with the buther and the baker and the grocer on the tube,she hits a button to commandeer supplies for tonight's dinner party. 通过电视电话与肉铺、面包店、杂货铺老板面对面交流之后,她按下按钮,定下了今晚餐聚的材料。
Following from the results of sensitivity analysis of standard eigenvalue problems, the differentiability of semisimple multiple eigenvalues of nonsymmetric generalized eigenvalue problems is proved, and the derivatives of semisimple multiple eigenvalues 摘要以标准特征值问题灵敏度分析的有关结论为基础,证明了单参数非对称广义特征值问题半单重特征值的可微性,给出了特征值导数的表达式和特征向量的级数展开式。
Following fundraising appeals to individuals and various charitable organizations, the Boston Lying-In Hospital, one of the nation's first maternity hospitals, opens its doors to women unable to afford in-home medical care. 1832年---随着向个人和各种慈善团体的筹款成功,全国第一家产科医院之一的波士顿产科医院向那些负担不起请医生的妇女们敞开了自己的大门。
Following her lead, I strapped on a pair of lightweight, aluminum-framed snowshoes and began awkwardly high-stepping on top of the packed powder. 由她领路,我系上一双轻质铝架的雪鞋,踉踉跄跄地开始在皑皑白雪上行进。
Following his ejection, Proctor charged into manager Joe Torre's office and insisted that he had not thrown intentionally at Youkilis. 在被判出场后,天天P冲到托瑞的办公室坚持自己没有故意的成份。
Following his part in the 2006 World Cup victory, Biancocelesti patron Claudio Lotito slapped an £8m price-tag on the 30-year-old and talks stalled, but hopes of a January agreement are still high as far as he is concerned. 在他参加06年世界杯并获得了冠军后,拉齐奥的主席洛蒂托直接给他标上了800W英镑的价钱,导致谈判停滞不前,但是据他自己所说一月的转会很可能实现.
Following his part in the 2006 World Cup victory, Biancocelesti patron Claudio Lotito slapped an £8m price-tag on the 30-year-old and talks stalled, but hopes of a January agreement are still high as far as he is concerned. 在他参加06年世界杯并获得了冠军后,拉齐奥的主席洛蒂托直接给他标上了800W英镑的价钱,导致谈判停滞不前,但是据他自己所说一月的转会很可能实现.
Following his retirement from active Air Force duty, with the rank of full General, Smith was selected as a Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars at the Smithsonian Institution and subsequently served as the President of the Insti 在他从美国空军上将的军衔退休下来后,史密斯选择了作为史密森学会的伍德罗·威尔逊国际学者中心的伙伴,在后来他又在美国国防部研究所担任所长之职务。

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