Chung-ren Chou, John Z. Yim , R.S. Shih, 2003,Numerical study on the breaking criterion for solitary waves,China Ocean Engineering .Vol.17,NO.4,pp.589-604.
周宗仁,黄伟柏,尹彰,2003,离岸堤周围波场特性之研究,海洋工程学刊,海洋工程学刊,第3卷,第1期,第35-52页。 |
Chunghwa Post may dispose of undeliverable items of mail after they have been posted for claim for a considerable length of time.
经过相当时期,无人领取时,得由中华邮政公司处分之。 |
Chunghwa post may set at its discretion rates for mail items other than the above.
前项以外邮件之资费,由中华邮政公司自行订定。 |
Chunking consists of grouping separate bits of information.
每块记忆材料是由一些零散孤立的信息所组成的。 |
Chunks of forest in Malaysia's Borneo, where orangutans live, have been carved away by private land ownership, mainly plantations, and used to grow crops.
马来西亚婆罗洲部分森林是红毛猩猩的栖息地,但栖息地已由于栽种农作物的私人土地开发(其中大多开垦成农地)而逐渐缩小。 |
Church begins/is at 9 o'clock.
礼拜仪式9点开始. |
Church bells resounded through out the Alps.
教堂的钟声在阿尔卑斯山中回荡。 |
Church bells ring out over stone cottages.
教堂的钟声响彻石头村庄。 |
Church is a positive factor in our society.
教会是一个积极因素,在我们的社会. |
Church member Florence Koo's mother, Lim Kwai, 84 was called home on 31 May. Funeral is on 4 Jun. Pray for the bereaved family.
会友许文丹姐妹的母亲林乖姐妹,于2007年5月31日安息主怀。葬礼将在6月4日举行。请为丧家家属祷告。 |
Church members heard an apology from Reverend Ted Haggard in Colorado today.
今天教徒们听到由另外一位牧师读出的,来自佛罗里达州的特德哈格德牧师的忏悔书。 |