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After a deep sleep, the weeping sweeper keeps on peeping the sheep on the steep.

After a day of nature and invigoration, a transition back to civilization is eased by the welcoming Banff downtown area. 经过一整天湖光山色的洗礼后再前往热闹的班芙市区,于是从大自然美景到现代文明之间的转化就这样简单。
After a decade of experience, we have seen inflation targeting regimes in action through all phases of the business cycle, and we are beginning to have a basis for assessing their performance and refining our views on how best to manage them. 通过十年的实践经验,我们已经看到通货膨胀目标制在经济周期不同阶段发挥作用,我们也正在开始建立一个基准,既能评价这些国家的表现,又能不断提炼我们关于如何对这些国家实现最佳管理的观点。
After a decade of focused research and development, the auto industry worldwide has passed a milestone with the arrival of the first test fleets of seemingly roadworthy fuel-cell cars. 汽车业经过10年专注的研发,已跨越了里程碑,催生出第一支俨然具有上路实力的燃料电池测试车队。
After a decade of waiting in the wings, Treasury Secretary Gordon Brown has replaced British Prime Minister Tony Blair as leader of the governing Labor Party. 经过了10年的积极准备和耐心等待,财政大臣戈登?布朗接替英国首相托尼?布莱尔成为执政的工党领袖。
After a deep breath I jumped into this other world, or inner spaceas it has been described by legendary diver and explorer Jacques Cousteau. 我做了一次深呼吸,然后跳进这样一个不同的世界,或者说如具有传奇色彩的潜水员和探险家雅克?库斯托所描述的“内层空间”。
After a deep sleep, the weeping sweeper keeps on peeping the sheep on the steep. 酣睡之后,哭泣的清扫者继续窥视峭壁上的羊。
After a defeat by Scotland in 1977, the visiting Tartan Army of fans invaded the pitch, infamously breaking the goalposts. 1977年被苏格兰打败后,客场球迷恶意破坏球场,门柱也被损坏。
After a delay comes a let. 夜长梦多。
After a delicious, spicy dinner, the entire wait staff crowded around two-and-a-half-year-old Anna, wanting to hold her, kiss her, pose for pictures with her. 等我们吃完一顿辛辣美味的晚饭后,所有服务员都涌过来围著我们两岁半的女儿安娜,都想抱抱她、亲亲她,跟她合影。
After a description on the design principle and mathematical model for a vertical dual bed radial flow adsorber, the structure design of this kind of adsorber was presented, followed by an introduction of the commissioning. 摘要介绍了立式双层床径向流吸附器的设计原理和数学模型,阐述了吸附器的结构设计,介绍了调试情况。
After a difficult week for Mourinho, Kenyon has backed the Portuguese to regroup his side and make another sustained bid for Champions League glory next season. 在穆里尼奥困难的一周后,肯扬支持葡萄牙人继续改造球队,并在下赛季拿到冠军杯。

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