There are 0 students in whom Vitamin C contents are smallerthan 0.mg% in their serum and who suffer from scurvy and students in whom Vitamin E contents in their plasm are lower than0.8mg%. |
中文意思: 血清检查VitC低于0.mg%者有0人( .7%),临床VitB_缺乏者人(.%),血浆VitE低于0.8mg%者 人(7.%)。 |
There were two progress in zinc anode. They were adding Ca(OH) and metallic oxides (PbO, Bi O , CdO,Ga O and Tl O ) in it and seeping in a conductive matrix, such as Pb + , Ta and Cd.
锌电极 :添加Ca (OH) 和金属氧化物 (PbO、Bi O 、CdO、Ga O 和Tl O ) ; |
There are genus with about 00 species of cycads in the world, and the chemical constituents and pharmacology of many species have been reported.
苏铁植物分属共00余种,其中许多种的化学成分和药理作用已陆续有报道。 |
There are speceies of jerboa in China, belonging respectively to 7 genera.
中国有跳鼠种,分别隶属于7属。 |
There are families,genus,7 species in the vegetable site and the advantage species is Setaria glauca,with a percentage of .9%.
蔬菜地共有科属7个种,优势种为金色狗尾草,占该类型种子库种子数量的.9%; |
There are 9 species of "Luxiancao" and species of "Luticao" in successive dynastic herbals.
历代文献记载的鹿衔草和鹿蹄草分别有9种和种。 |
There are 0 students in whom Vitamin C contents are smallerthan 0.mg% in their serum and who suffer from scurvy and students in whom Vitamin E contents in their plasm are lower than0.8mg%.
血清检查VitC低于0.mg%者有0人( .7%),临床VitB_缺乏者人(.%),血浆VitE低于0.8mg%者 人(7.%)。 |
There are 7%~ % oil in prickly ash seed,α-linolenic acid is rich( .%)in prickly ash seed oil.
花椒籽含有7%~ %的油脂,尤其是α-亚麻酸的含量占油脂总量的 . %。 |
There are species of invertebrates included in the list of the most threatened invertebrates(8 species for insects, species for mite, species for annelid and speices for molluscs).
在新西兰共有 种无脊椎动物被列入最受威胁的物种名录,其中昆虫8种、螨类种、环节动物种、软体动物种. |
There are patterns of biffuration of arteria radialis.
根动脉有种分支类型。 |
There are instars in nymphal stage and its development lasts for .0±.9 days.
若虫共龄,历期 .0±.9( 9~ 0)d。 |
There are instars in the nymphal stage.
若虫龄,龄若虫不取食。 |