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Wisps of red and orange detected by Spitzer indicate infrared light from illuminated clouds containing carbon-rich molecules called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.

Wishing you have all the Christmas blessings. 愿你拥有圣诞节所有的祝福。
Wishing you peace, joy And happiness through Christmas nd the coming year. 在圣诞和新年来临之际,祝福你平安、快乐、幸福!
Wishing you the best at Christmas! 圣诞节送给你最美好的祝愿。
Wishing you the best bliss in the New Year's Days. 祝愿你在新的一年里幸福快乐。
Wishing you warm days full of cheer! 祝你在温馨的日子里充满着欢乐!
Wisps of red and orange detected by Spitzer indicate infrared light from illuminated clouds containing carbon-rich molecules called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. 纤细的红色和橙色是斯必择所显示的被照亮的含有富碳分子——被称作多环芳烃——的云发出的红外光。
Wisps of them lead or droop because there must always be leading and drooping. 缕缕白云或前行,或散去,这最自然不过了。
Wisterias form romantic cascades of sweetpea-like flowers that fall in lush blue, pink or white masses from woody vines that grow mainly in the South and Southwest. 柴藤的造型颇为罗曼谛克:或蓝色或粉红或白色的象小甜豆大小的花朵茂密地蔓延下垂,它主要生长在南部和西南部地区,又名云豆树。
Wit and will strive for the victory. 智慧和意志是胜利的保证。
Wit bought is better than wit taught. 不经一事,不长一智。
Wit in conversation is, as the midwives' say, a quick conception and an easy delivery. 谈话里的机智就象接生婆说的:迅速孕育,自然分娩。

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