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We walked side by side on the street .

We walked on the street neck and neck. 我们肩并肩走在街上。
We walked on the street shoulder to shoulder. 我们肩并肩走在街上。
We walked on the street side by side. 我们肩并肩走在街上。
We walked past a bookstore. 我们路过了一家书店。
We walked past the hospital. 我们从医院旁边经过。
We walked side by side on the street . 我们肩并肩走在街上。
We walked the length of the street. 我们从街的这一头走到那一头。
We walked the several blocks in the still cool air and the special hush that comes with morning by the sea. 我们在静止清凉的空气中和特别的寂静中步行经过几个街区,这份寂静是海边的清晨所特有的。
We walked to the utmost edge of the woods. 我们走到林子边缘的尽头。
We walked very fast, and exceeded Lang team very quickly, all of our team members agreed to run to go ahead. 我们用很快的速度超越了狼队,在征询各位队员以后,我们决定平路跑步前进。
We wander through busy streets lined with clothing shops and small stands selling baglawa, a thin, flaky pasty made on round platters. 我们漫步在繁忙的街道上,两旁服侍店与卖“波格拉瓦”的小摊位林立,“波格拉瓦”是一种薄片状、在圆形浅盘上做的酥皮点心。

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