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He wrangle is flushed with boss.

He wouldn't say rude things about her to her face. 他不会当着她的面说关于她的粗鲁话。
He wouldn't scruple to charge you double its value if he thought you'd pay. 如果他认为你买得起的话,就会向你索取两倍于原价的钱。
He wouldn't scruple to charge you double its value if he thought you'd pay. 如果他认为你肯付的话,他会毫无顾忌地向你索要双倍价钱。
He wouldn\'t speculate on whether the president is obligated to get another gift. 但他不确定布什会不会再送上一份大礼。
He wove three plots into one novel. 他把三个情节编织成一部小说。
He wrangle is flushed with boss. 他和老板争得面红耳赤。
He wrapped a clean rag around his ankle. 他把一小块乾净的布缠住脚腕.
He wrapped a handkerchief around her hand. 他用手帕包著她的手。
He wrapped his hand in a fold of his cloak, slid the hot iron grill with its load of meat from its brackets, and set it aside. 他先用自己的斗篷包住手,再把滚烫的铁制烤肉架连同上面的烤肉一起从托架上移了下来,放到一边。
He wreaked his anger on his son. 他在他的儿子身上施加愤怒。
He wrested it from her hands. 他从她的手中把它抢夺过来。

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