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Bodybuilders are commonly found using products such as diuretics to push out any extra water they are carrying so that their definition will be better on stage.

Body-Adjustment or Orthopaedic Reshaping , also known overseas as Holistic Orthopaedic Therapy , is an exceptional skill that not only eases pain, but also restores the original, physiological curves and lines of the body, reinstating the normal proportio 「正形术」于国外亦称为「整体术」,是一门高超的技术,既舒缓痛楚,亦恢复身体原有的生理曲线,使身体之歪斜变回正常对称,恢复关节的活动能力,美态重现。
Body. The character imparted to a wine which is rich in dry extract, vinous and complete. 酒体:提取物丰富、酒性饱满、完满的葡萄酒所具有的特征。
Body: Body is cast with heavy sections reinforced at points subjected to the greatest stress. Valves are available in both flanged and butt welding ends. All conform to ASME specifications. 阀体:阀体为铸件,在关键点上通过重型型钢加以强化,能够承受更大的应力。这些阀门都可配置法兰连接端口和对焊连接端口,都符合ASME标准。
Body: The chest is of fair width, and the forechest well defined and visible from the side. 身躯:胸相当宽,前胸轮廓突出,并能从侧面观察到。
Body: The feel of a wine in the mouth, either full or thin. Expressed as Full-bodied, medium-bodied, or light-bodied. 酒体:葡萄酒在口中的感觉-或丰满或单薄,可以表达为酒体丰满,酒体均匀或酒体轻盈。
Bodybuilders are commonly found using products such as diuretics to push out any extra water they are carrying so that their definition will be better on stage. 健美选手们普遍地使用利尿剂来排除体内水分,以使舞台上的肌肉线条更加清晰。
Bodycote International plc, the metallurgical services and testing Group, operates more than 291 facilities in 28 countries. 鲍迪克国际-冶金服务与检测服务集团,在28个国家运营着291家工厂。
Boehner referred to Democrats as Defeatocrats, going on to accuse the minority of helping embolden terrorists. 提到民主党是失败党,进一步指责他们帮助恐怖分子鼓起勇气。
Boeing Co. said on Tuesday it received an order for a private 787 airplane from Hong Kong real estate tycoon Joseph Lau. 波音公司周二宣布,其已经收到来自香港房地产界大亨刘銮雄购买一架波音787私人飞机的订单。
Boeing and Aeroflot signed a deal Saturday for the Russian carrier to acquire 22 Dreamliner jets from the American plane maker. 波音公司和俄罗斯国际航空公司上周六签订了一笔交易,俄国际航空公司将从波音购买22架喷气式“梦幻飞机”。
Boeing and Airbus are taking different approaches to China. 波音和空中客车跟中国“打交道”的方式各不相同。

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