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But poetic justice is not real justice.

But please mention in the README that the need for the non-free library is a drawback, and suggest the task of changing the program so that it does the same job without the non-free library. 但请在README中说明需要非自由库是一个缺陷,并且建议进行修改程序的工作让其使用非自由库来完成相同的工作。
But please note that without knowing your company we have send you the advance payment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. 但请你们悉知,我们在不了解你们公司的情况下,就先给你们汇了款。
But plenty of thoughtful people (many of them in the Lords) are holding out for oligarchy. 不过,众多考虑周全之士(许多来自上院)还是强烈要求维持现状。
But plenty will be left over. 但大量的成果会被遗弃。
But plucking her petals you do not gather the beauty of the flower. 摘下花瓣,并不能得到花的美丽。
But poetic justice is not real justice. 但是理想的惩罚并非真正的公正。
But polar bears Sedna and Nanook have been forced inland by global warming. 这个讯息不但是电影《明日之后》的桥段,也在现实中被全球研究学者不断重申。
But police in Bombay are planning to monitor cybercafes, a move some are decrying as excessive regulation that could create a dangerous precedent. 但是孟买的警方正计划对网咖进行监控,此举遭到了不少人的谴责,认为这开了个不好的先例。
But politicians can also unwittingly reveal if they are feeling uncomfortable and stressed. 但政治人物也会不经意地透露他们是否觉得不舒服与有压力。
But politicians get smaller ones,said Flemming. 不过,政客们得到的礼物就没以前大了,”弗莱明说。
But politicians have engaged not just with the substance of fiscal policy but also with its presentation. 但是,政治家不仅对财政政策的具体内容横加干涉,对其表达方式也是指手画脚。

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