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Using sawdust as raw material, under the condition of 2%-4% opening rate of distributor, the effects of particle size and sawdust bed height on fluidization velocity in cold bubbling fluidized bed were determined.

Using refined cotton, chloroacetic acid, sodium hydroxide and hydrogen peroxide as main feedstock, sodium carboxymethyl cellulose was made by the process of basification, etherification, abstersion and drying. 摘要以精制棉、氯乙酸、氢氧化钠和过氧化氢为原料,经过碱化、醚化、洗涤、干燥,制得羧甲基纤维素钠。
Using regional geochemical exploration data, the authors figured Out moving window contrast values through window moving average operation, delineated single element anomalies and multi-element accumulative (multiplicative) anomalies according to contrast 摘要利用区域地球化学勘查数据,经过窗口滑动平均,计算出滑动窗口的衬值,通过衬值圈定单元素和多元素累加(累乘)异常;在窗口滑动平均值基础上勾绘单元素和多元素背景曲线图、累加(累乘)多元素衬值异常和背景曲线图,制作找矿靶区定位预测图。
Using remanufactured cartridges saves money, helps preserve the environment, provides as high a quality product ,and helps support local small business. 使用再生的粉盒节省金钱,帮助保护环境,提供同样质量的产品,帮助支持地区经济。
Using resonance method to measure the degree of linearity of vibration transducer provides a good way to solve the problem on testing the degree of linearity of a large span vibration transducer. 摘要用谐振方法测试振动感测器线性度,可以较好的解决较大量程振动感测器线性度测试的问题。
Using satellites, data from buoys and computer models to study the Earth's oceans, scientists have concluded that more energy is being absorbed from the Sun than is emitted back to space, throwing the Earth's energy out of balanceand warming the planet. 通过利用人造卫星、浮标数据和电脑模型研究地球上的各个海洋,科学家日前得出结论认为,来自太阳的能量更多地被吸收了,而不是重新散发到空中,这使地球上的能源面临失衡的危险,同时也使全球温度变暖。
Using sawdust as raw material, under the condition of 2%-4% opening rate of distributor, the effects of particle size and sawdust bed height on fluidization velocity in cold bubbling fluidized bed were determined. 摘要冷态条件下,在鼓泡流化床中采用木屑为原料,分布板在2%~4%不同开孔率的条件下,分别考察了原料粒径和床层高度对木屑流化速度的影响。
Using scale drawings and countless photographs ensures the end result is an accurate virtual 3D copy of the real thing. 为了确保最终的结果是真实物体的精确3D拷贝,我们使用了比例尺图片与不计其数的相片。
Using seamless and leakproof urethane frame for good vacuum seal. 防漏性佳:使用一体成型之防漏圈条,防漏性佳。
Using seismic, logging, and assaying data, and combined with vitrinite reflectance erosion thickness restoration method and seismic stratigraphy Paleogeomorphology restoration way, we have restored Caledonian paleogeomorphology in the central area of Tari 摘要利用地震、测井和分析测试资料,结合镜质体反射率剥蚀厚度恢复法和地震地层学古地貌恢复法,对塔中地区中加里东期古地貌进行了恢复。
Using self-reflection methods to test the body shape and physiological function of 52 females who have joined belly dance training for 16 weeks against the original. 摘要采用自身对照的方法,对52名女性参加16周肚皮舞练习前后身体形态指标和机能指标进行测试。
Using several different sources forces you to step back and evaluate or triangulate them. 使用不同来源的资料可以强迫你综合各方看法,对原材料进行反复推敲和评估。

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