Not only Nietzsche suffered such a tragedy, so we cannot say it is only accidental. |
中文意思: 而不只是尼采,所以不能说只是偶然的。 |
Not one of those messages is going to be read, let alone remembered.
结果是没有一条信息会被访问者读到,更别提被他们记在心上了。 |
Not one of you will enter the land I swore with uplifted hand to make your home, except Caleb son of Jephunneh and Joshua son of Nun.
30必不得进我起誓应许叫你们住的那地。惟有耶孚尼的儿子迦勒和嫩的儿子约书亚才能进去。 |
Not one single day goes by without news, debates and comments on China: business deals, trade negotiations, diplomatic summits, political events, state visits, financial ups and downs, societal trends ... the list goes on.
纵览全球媒体,每天都有关于中国的新闻报道:经济协定、贸易谈判、外交峰会、政治动向、国是访问、经济动态、社会动向等;面对纷至遝来的种种会议、论坛、学术讨论,中国观察家们忙得目不窥园。 |
Not only China Petroleum &Natural Gas Transportation Corporation and Xinjiang Xinfeng Co., Ltd. controlled by Urumuqi Petrochem General Plant of China Petrochem presented beside negotiating table, but Bazhou and Turpan are also exploring the possibility t
不仅中国石油天然气运输公司、中石油乌石化控股子公司新疆新峰股份有限公司出现在了谈判桌旁,就连巴州、吐鲁番地区也在探求当地中央企业加快产权交易步伐的可能性。 |
Not only Homer, Dante, Goethe, not only Aristotle, Plato, Epictetus, not only Rabelais, Cervantes, Swift, not only Walt Whitman, Edgar Allan Poe, Baudelaire, Villon, Carducci, Manzoni, Lope de Vega, not only Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Kant, Hegel, Darwin, S
不仅读过荷马、但盯歌德、柏拉图、埃庇克泰德,不仅读过拉伯雷、塞万提斯、斯威夫特民不仅读过瓦尔特?惠特曼、埃德加?艾伦?坡、波德莱尔、维荣、卡尔杜齐、曼佐尼、洛卡?德?维加,也不仅读过尼采、叔本华、康德、黑格尔、达尔文、斯宾塞、赫胥黎—他不仅读过这些人的著述,还读过夹在这些大人物之间的所有小人物的作品。 |
Not only Nietzsche suffered such a tragedy, so we cannot say it is only accidental.
而不只是尼采,所以不能说只是偶然的。 |
Not only Products and service on Windows, Cooling and Conditioning, but also Fujitsu, Electronic or Units stand as brand names of IMPROMAT KLIMA spol. s r.o.. Beyond that one can receive all desired factual information - among other things also on Output,
是一家诚信的、高效能的生产商和服务商,该公司提供新型的、专门的产品,例如车身结构,装备,曝光装置,富士通,国际商用电脑公司,修理处,卖、出售,西门子公司。 |
Not only Scandinavian but English rulers have often discovered this fact to their cost.
斯堪的纳维亚和英国的统治者都是在付出巨大代价后才发现这一事实的。 |
Not only a haven for aquatic wildlife, the nourishing springs attract families year after year for tubing, swimming, and diving in its clean and clear waters.
富有营养的佛州清泉不只是水栖动物的天堂,每年同样吸引很多家庭来它清澈干净的水域洗浴、游泳、潜水。 |
Not only a trade channel, silk fair is also a policy window, information center, high tech pusher and mode show.
这里不仅有畅通的交易渠道,更是发布产业政策、交流行业信息、推介先进技术、展示流行趋势的平台。 |
Not only air, but natural gas consists of some substances .
199不但是空气,而且天然气也是由若干种物质组成的。 |