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He is a young boy coming from Man City with half a dozen caps and no Champions League matches.

He is a leader, a winner. Also, Gaby has a European passport and that is an advantage. 他是一个领袖,一个胜利者.同时,加比有欧洲护照,那是一个优势.
He is a left-sided winger, who can also play on the right. Indeed, he is a great player. “他是一名左路选手,但是他也可以适应右路。事实上,他是一名伟大的球员。”
He is a minister and should set a good example, not put himself on the same level as traffickers in endangered species,said Giovanni Guadagna,with Italy's anti-vivisection league. 意大利反活体解剖联盟的乔瓦尼。瓜达尼亚表示:“身为政府部长,他应该在这方面树立一个好的榜样,而不应当使自己与那些专门走私濒危动物的不法商贩处在同一水平线上。”
He is a tower of deliverance to His king, And shows lovingkindness to His anointed, To David and his descendants forever. 撒下22:51耶和华赐极大的救恩给他所立的王、施慈爱给他的受膏者、就是给大卫和他的后裔、直到永远。
He is a very good player of an international level. He is a leader, a winner. Also, Gaby has a European passport and that is an advantage. “他是一个非常优秀的国际级球员。他是一个领袖,一个胜利者.同时,加布有欧盟护照,这是个有利条件。”
He is a young boy coming from Man City with half a dozen caps and no Champions League matches. 他只是一个来自曼城的仅有几场联赛出场纪而没有冠军联赛经验的录年轻人。
He is alive. I am 100 percent sure,Taliban spokesman Mullah Hayatullah Khan told reporters, adding that senior leaders were in touch with bin Laden. 塔利班组织发言人毛拉·哈亚图拉·可汗接受记者采访时说:“我可以百分之百的肯定,他还活着。”据他透露,塔利班的高级领导人们一直与拉登保持着联系。
He is also starting to show a lot more maturity too, which is pleasing to see and bodes well for Manchester United and England. “他也向人们展示出自己越来越成熟,这对于曼联和英格兰的球迷们都是一个好消息。”
He is another Brazilian to speak Portuguese with me, so it is good. “我们可以用葡萄牙语交流,这感觉很好。”
He is better than a common Rajah,retorted Jenny, he's a thousand times better. 他可比一般的王公强,珍妮反击,他比他们强多了.
He is capable of playing the outfield and first base, but his biggest asset is his bat. 他有能力担任外野手和一垒手,但是他最宝贵的条件是他的打击。

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