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For a program to run remotely using Remote Programs, the terminal server hosting the program must be running Windows Server Longhorn.Any program that can run in a Terminal Services session or in a Remote Desktop session can run as a Remote Program.

For a potluck between 10 and 30 people, a volunteer offers his or her home as hosting place. 出席人数在10到30时,便在某个志愿者家里进行。
For a practical problem in the definite region, it is the most important work to identify parameter values efficiently after the structure of environmental model is defined. 摘要对于选定区域的问题研究,模型结构确定之后,最重要的是如何有效地识别模型的参数。
For a practitioner of yoga, or yogithe progression through these stages is a movement from the physical toward a perfect mental state. 对瑜珈修习者来说,这些阶段是从身体到完美精神境界的进程。
For a professional localization effort, and especially for multilingual regional localization centres, a commercial space is best. 对于专业的本地化工作,特别是多语言的地区本地化中心,一个商务空间是最适合的。
For a program to access a segment, the segment selector for the segment must have been loaded in one of the segment registers. 在程序读取一个段的信息时,段选择子必须已经被提前载入这个寄存器中。
For a program to run remotely using Remote Programs, the terminal server hosting the program must be running Windows Server Longhorn.Any program that can run in a Terminal Services session or in a Remote Desktop session can run as a Remote Program. 远程应用程序减少了管理上的开销,你只需维护服务器上的应用程序,而不需要在整个企业部署的桌面电脑部署应用程序,这将有效的提升用户体验,更平滑的为在员工电脑上提供应用程序。
For a rather long period in the past, China followed a (rigid) planned economic system. 在过去相当长的时期内,中国实行的是计划经济体制。
For a rationally designed well, the increase of aquifer thickness can reduce the pressure of pumping and injection, and remarkably enhance the temperature of pumping. 对于合理的水井设计,含水层厚度增大可以减小抽水、回灌压力,显著地提高抽水平均温度。
For a recommendation tailored to your specific needs, we encourage you to apply for a FREE Car Care Rx Plus or to call our Customer Care Hotline and one of our friendly Surface Care Experts will be glad to discuss your car care goals and recommend a produ 考虑到您的个性化需求,我们建议您使用免费的汽车护理方案去告诉我们的消费者服务热线以及我的一个很友好的车表面护理专家,将荣幸的与您讨论车护理的目标以及根据您的需求推荐一款产品给您。
For a recommended design of some subway station, the centrifugal model is often tested to analyze the settlement of the ground caused by the digging of the tunnel. 摘要通过对某地铁车站设计推荐方案进行离心模型试验,分析隧道开挖对地面的沈降影响。
For a record-breaking 50th consecutive year, New York Life Insurance Company led the Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT) in membership. 纽约人寿公司在「百万圆桌协会」创下会员人数连续50年领先全球的新纪录。

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