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Take Pycnogenol? along with your vitamins and feel the difference.

Take Frank and Ricardo Carvalho. 就拿兰帕德和卡瓦略来说吧。
Take Inner Ring Road exit Wuzhong Road. 沿着内环高架路,在吴中路出口下。
Take Michael Jordan, it's easy for people to see his achievements while neglect the price of blood and sweat that he has paid on the court in order to come out on top. 就拿迈克尔?乔丹来说吧,人们很容易看到他的成就而忽视了他为使自己出类拔萃而在球场上付出的血与汗的代价。
Take NO.343 To ZhiXin Road Atop And Cross The Street From ChuanJiangHaoZi Walking Nearly 50 Meters Will Arrived. 42路在逸都花园终点站下车,在前方第1个路口右转步行50米便到;343在置信路站下车,从川江号子处的小街进去前行50米即到。
Take Peter Wood, the British entrepreneur who created the Direct Line insurance group in the 1980s. 英国企业家泰克?皮特?伍德在二十世纪八十年代开创了直达线保险公司。
Take Pycnogenol? along with your vitamins and feel the difference. 碧萝芷?与你的维生素同时服用会感觉更好。
Take Taiwanese language policy for example. 就以台湾的语言政策来说。
Take That know all about hero worship. One in 200 music fans say they have broken into a star's hotel room and on average travel 1,400 miles a year follow their idols. 位居第7位的是英国另外一支音乐组合“接招”乐队。调查显示,有二百分之一的音乐爱好者表示,为了能一睹某位明星的风采,他们曾闯进其下榻的酒店房间,另外,他们平均一年要追随自己的偶像1400英里。
Take Vigorous Action to Seek and Establish an Administrative Law Enforcement System Which Can Help Improve the Authority and Efficiency of Administrative Law-Enforcement. 五、积极探索建立有利于提高行政执法的权威和效率的行政执法体制。
Take Wulatezhong Banner of Inner Mongolia Region as an example, the sustainable development of ecological emigration in prairie areas was analyzed, and the further development suggestion was put for ward: Choosing the suitable ecological emigration region 摘要本文以内蒙古乌拉特中旗为例,对草原牧区生态移民可持续性问题进行了分析,并提出进一步发展的思路:选择人口、资源与环境相协调发展的区域为移民点,移民过程中需要防止“政府悖论”,走开发型生态移民道路,政府相关部门参与牧民转移,鼓励企业参与牧民转移,设立生态环境税和生态移民转移支付制度等。
Take Your Pet to See Santa Claus! 带上宠物和圣诞老人合个影!

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