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The control system drives the robot move to the default position where scions have been prepared to plant, and the end-effector grip and transplant the scions into a culture flask.

The control software is tested by “white and black” box. 控制软件经过白盒和黑盒测试,运行稳定。
The control software was written by assembly language. 控制软体系以组合语言撰写。
The control strategy included the tempering drying technique, auto-control of temperature for heating air and auto-control of tempering period. 控制策略包括调质乾燥技术,热风温度自动控制与均化时间自动控制。
The control system based on DSP technology can make the robot move flexibly on a smooth surface. 其中,基于DSP技术开发的控制器可以使机器人在光滑的壁面上灵活地爬行、转向和跨越。
The control system can be applied in the power system for its strong robustness and good dynamic performance. 该设计方法具有一定的通用性,特别适用于复杂的电力系统。
The control system drives the robot move to the default position where scions have been prepared to plant, and the end-effector grip and transplant the scions into a culture flask. 机器人能自动定位于预设之取苗及挿植位置,使其手端得顺利夹持及挿植组织培养苗;而培养瓶定位装置总成则用以承载培养瓶,并使之倾斜或旋转,以辅助机器人手端到达挿植位置,依序移植组织培养苗。
The control system for longitudinal automatic landing of an aircraft was designed with the methods of feedback linearization and improved fuzzy control. 使用反馈线性化与改进的模糊控制方法设计飞机纵向自动着陆控制系统。
The control system had the self-diagnosis function and preparation of the signal output and input terminals. 控制系统有故障自我诊断功能,并预留讯号输出与输入端子。
The control system of multi-variable PID neural network is introduced. 摘要介绍了多变量PID型神经元网络控制系统。
The control systems for wind turbine generators are compared and analyzed. 摘要对目前流行的风力发电机组控制系统进行对比分析。
The control technique is applied in anti swing control systems of cranes to suppress efficiently the residual oscillations of the payload. 将这一控制技术用于起重机的消摆控制系统中,可以有效抑制载荷的残留摆动。

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