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He drove her to admit it.

He drove at her with his sword. 他用剑猛攻击她。
He drove down the right side of the lane to draw Los Angeles' defense towards him and kicked the ball out to find Head for a wide-open three-pointer in the left corner. 他带球在右侧吸引了对方的防守球员,接着大范围转移给在左侧埋伏的头,投进了这个重要的空位三分。
He drove for about 10 metres before crashing into a parked car. 驾车走了约10米,他就撞上了一辆停在旁边的小车。
He drove full tilt intothe lamppost. 他车开得飞快, 撞上了路灯柱.
He drove full tilt intothe lamppost. 他车开得飞快,撞上了路灯柱.
He drove her to admit it. 他逼迫她承认。
He drove his Simplex motorbike to Anaheim, arriving shortly before 1 a.m. to take his place in line an hour before anyone else showed up. 他骑上自己的那辆新普利斯摩托车驶往阿纳海姆,不到凌晨一点就已到了那里,开始排队。直到一个小时之后,其他人才陆续出现。
He drove his car with caution. 他小心翼翼地驾车。
He drove home his point by citing specific examples. 他举了具体的例子才把论点讲透彻。
He drove in a hurry in the direction of the pole star. 他朝着北极星的方向急匆匆的驶去.
He drove into the ditch completely unaware. 他不知不觉地把车开进了沟里。

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