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He predicted the Chinese players who will eventually wind up in the pros.

He predicted that an earthquake was imminent. 他预言即将发生地震。
He predicted that cohabitation(8) and temporary relationships between people were likely to dominated America s social landscape for years to come. 他预测在未来的数年中,同居和临时的关系将主宰美国社会生活。
He predicted that population growth would cause wide spread harm to the planet. 他预测说人口增长将对地球产生广泛的损害。
He predicted that she would become an excellent dancer. 他预言她会成为一个很棒的舞蹈家。
He predicted that the hole in the ozone layer would contract steadily from about 2005 and disappear by mid-century, although the ozone would be vulnerable for a decade. 弗雷泽博士预测说,臭氧空洞将于2005年开始收缩变小,直到本世纪中期被完全填满,但填满后仍有十年属于比较容易被破坏的过渡期。
He predicted the Chinese players who will eventually wind up in the pros. 他预言中国运动员今后会越打越好。
He predicted then that something like Ryan's find would turn up. Lo and behold, evolutionary theory actually works,he said. 他当时还曾预测人们在未来将会找到类似于瑞安本次所发现的这种恐龙。
He predicts that China will earn 42.6 billion dollars in foreign exchange revenue with the annual average growth of nearly 8% and it is expected to be ranked third worldwide. 1.69 billion tourists will travel in China, representing an average 8% increase 他预计,届时中国旅游创汇将达426亿美元,年均增长8%左右,有望居世界第三位;国内旅游人数16.9亿人次,年均增长8%左右;国内旅游收入8810亿元,年均增长11%左右;旅游业总收入12260亿元,年均增长10%左右,相当于全国国内生产总值的7%;旅游带动直接就业980万人,间接就业4900万人。
He predicts that more fund managers will launch similar funds. 他预计,将有更多基金管理公司推出类似的基金。
He preferred spending weekends by himself. 他更喜欢一个人过周末。
He preferred to read the documents in the privacy of his study. 他比较喜欢在书房里无干扰的情况下阅读文件.

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