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About half of those questioned had never taken part in public welfare events, and 62 percent didn't even know what public welfare work involved.

About half of teens perform community service once a month by, for instance, delivering meals to the homeless or reading to the elderly. 约半数青少年每月通过诸如给无家可归者送食物或给老人念书等形式来为社区服务。
About half of the 25 sites we reviewed inset ads into article text. 大约有一半站点在正文中插入文字广告。
About half of the American rice crab crop is exported. 美国大约有一半的粮食是用来出口的。
About half of the Golmud-Lhasa 19) section was built over permafrost. 格尔木到拉萨段铁道大约有一半是建在冻土上。
About half of the more than 10,000 students I encountered last year confessed their perceptual blindness. 去年我教过的学生不下一万名,其中约有一半承认他们感知上的盲目。
About half of those questioned had never taken part in public welfare events, and 62 percent didn't even know what public welfare work involved. 大概有一半的被采访者是从来没有参加公众福利活动,62%的人甚至不知道有关的社会福利。
About half the people in the building followed instructions and evacuated. 大楼内约有一半的人追随指示撤离了。
About half the population in the country is still illiterate. 这个国家大约有一半人口仍是文盲。
About half the prescriptions filled in the U.S. last year were for generic drugs. 2002年在美国所开的处方当中,大概有一半是学名药。
About how many do you expect to do business with at the end of 2007? 有多少家您希望到2007年底前可以开展合作?
About level 4 missions. many players on tranquility found them too easy so we increased the difficulty. 很多欧服玩家说任务太简单了,所以我们增加了任务的难度。

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