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Introduction of Antisense Sbe Genes into Rice to Increase It's Amylose Content

Interventional effect of Chinese herbal compound digan oral liquid on cyclin genes and adherent molecules of hematopoietic stem cells and stromal cells in bone marrow of mice with irradiative injury 中药复方地甘口服液对辐射损伤小鼠骨髓细胞周期素基因及造血干细胞和基质细胞黏附分子的干预效应(英文)
Intrahepatic transplantation of human fatal liver cells for the treatment of posthepatitic liver cirrhosis 胎肝细胞肝内移植治疗30例肝硬化疗效的随访
Intrahippocampus Transplantation of Neural Stem Cells Modified by Noggin Gene for Aging Mice noggin基因修饰神经干细胞移植治疗衰老模型小鼠的实验研究
Intravenous administration of human bone marrow stromal cells to improve neuro logical function of rats after cerebral infarction 静脉应用骨髓基质细胞改善脑梗死后神经功能(英文)
Intravenous injection of immunoglobulin prevent hepatitis C virus infection after posttransfusion 静注免疫球蛋白对输血后丙型肝炎病毒感染的预防作用
Introduction of Antisense Sbe Genes into Rice to Increase It's Amylose Content 转反义Sbe基因提高稻米直链淀粉含量的研究
IntroductionRecently years with the development of tumor immunology immunotherapy has become another important method after surgery , radiotherapy and chemotherapy. 前言近年来,随着对肿瘤免疫机制研究的不断深入,免疫治疗已经成为继手术、放疗和化疗之后综合治疗肿瘤的又一个重要措施。
Inversely, Thl lymphocytes secrete different cytokines such as EFN-y and DL-12 inhibiting the production of Th2 cytokines and decreasing allergic response. 而Thi细胞则具有与Th_2细胞相反的作用,他们通过释放Th_1型细胞因子如IFN-Y、IL-12等拮抗Th2型细胞因子的功能而抑制哮喘反应。
Investigation of DNA Repair Gene Expression Pattern of Radiation-Induced Malignant Transformation of Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells α粒子诱发人支气管上皮细胞癌变的DNA修复基因表达谱研究
Investigation of HOXB4 expression for ex vivo expanded cord blood stem cells (CBSCs) 定量PCR检测体外扩增脐带血造血干细胞HOXB4基因的表达
Investigation of Melatonin Receptor subtype Protein and Gene Expression in Human Embryos 人胚胎组织褪黑素受体亚型蛋白和基因表达的研究

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