If devices are to be reused, they should be sterilized in accordance with manufacturers' instructions.
若设备必须重覆使用,应依制造商指示灭菌。 |
If dial up as GPRS, most case is charge by data flow.
如果可以,请问是以资料流量计费还是通话时间计费? |
If discussed the love is discussed the love the speech, that is notplays the hoodlum?
如果谈恋爱就是谈恋爱的话,那不是耍流氓吗? |
If disk space is short, a special checkpoint server can be designated for storing all the checkpoint images for a pool.
如果磁盘空间短缺,那么可以指派一个专用校验点服务器来存储某个机群中的所有校验点映像。 |
If dismantling these programs proves impossible, the world is confronted with the unattractive alternatives of another pre-emptive military attack or accepting the risk.
如果拆除这些节目保不住,世界正面临着吸引力的替代另一个先发制人的军事攻击或接受的风险. |
If disobeying this, contractor has right to pursue client to compensate relative loss due to it.
如违反本条款,承包人有权要求发包人赔偿相应的经济损失。 |
If dissatisfied, they can fire the executives and sell or close down the firm.
如果不满意,他们可能解聘高层管理人员并卖掉或关闭企业。 |
If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the source code from the same place counts as distribution of the source code, even though third parties are n
若可执行码或目的码的散布方式,是以指定的地点提供存取位置供人复制,则提供可自相同地点复制源码的使用机会,视同对于源码的散布,然而第三人并不因此而负有将目的码连同源码一并复制的义务。 |
If do not wish to receive announcement for the upcoming exhibitions and occasional gallery news via email, please check the box below.
若不需要收到本画廊通过电子邮件发出的未来展览邀请函和画廊最新信息,请点击以下方块。 |
If do with her, she says that you are by putting the half-length animal that think!
如果跟她做,她说你是用下半身思考的动物! |
If doctors fail thee, be these three thy doctors; rest, cheerful-ness, and moderate diet.
如果医药不能帮助,那麽注意三件事∶休息,愉快,饮食调和。 |