Group Arecieved nitroglycerin by two nostril. |
中文意思: 对照组于拔管前不用硝酸甘油。 |
Griping Opportunity & Solve the Problems of Urgent Solving Speeding Development ADSL
抓住时机解决亟待解决问题 加速ADSL发展 |
Griping Opportunity to Develop the Third Generation Mobile Communication Industry
抓住机遇发展第 代移动通信产业 |
Group received cecal ligation and punctures hr before normal saline was perfused into gastral cavity once a day;
第一组:行盲肠结扎和穿孔(Cecal ligation and punctures,CLP)后hr以生理盐水灌胃,以后次/天。 |
Group had a mutton to feed ratio 9.% lower than group (P<0.0).
第 组料肉比比第 组低 9.%( P<0.0)。 |
Group : PG0 mginto fornix vaginae and the operation was per-formed hours later;
组ⅢPG0 mg,阴道后穹窿给药小时后行人流术; |
Group Arecieved nitroglycerin by two nostril.
对照组于拔管前不用硝酸甘油。 |
Group B: Lival, .mg/day Target observed improvement of the urinary and reproductive tunnel symptoms and cytological examination results on vaginae for each group of patients after months.
B组,利维爱.mg/日组。 观察个月后AB两组的泌尿生殖道症状改善情况及阴道细胞学检查情况。 |
Group B:8 patients with KMG as the embolic material of PSE.
B组8例,栓塞材料为KMG。 |
Group B:L/min oxygen nebulizer inhaler 0% berotec,0μg/kg each time and dexamethasone mg,0minutes.
B组 :L/min氧驱动雾化吸入 0 %备劳特液每次 0 μg/kg ,加用地塞米松 mg ,雾化吸入 0min ; |
Group C: patients (M , F 0, age 0± a) were treated with norfloxacin 0.8-. g/d for ± d. The fever began to subside by day .±.0, .8± . and . ? .8, and the therapeutic effects were 00%, 90%, and %, respectively.
开始退热时间依次为.±.0d, .8±.d,. ±.8d,热退到正常时间.±.d,7.±.d,0± d,疗程7.±.d,0.±.d, ± d,有效率依次为00%,90%, %。 |
Group S were opened and closed the venter barely.
S 组行开关腹并游离后腔静脉作为对照。 |