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He was arrested for exposing himself in the park.

He was arraigned on a charge of arson /bribery. 他因被指控犯纵火罪(行贿)而被传讯。
He was arrested Wednesday after a chase with police who say they found four loaded guns in his vehicle. 星期三他被捕后,警方人员说,他们在车上发现了4个上子弹枪。.
He was arrested but was freed after a week. 他被逮捕,但一周后就被放走了。
He was arrested by guards at the border crossing. 他在越境地点被卫兵逮捕。
He was arrested for disorderly conduct in the street. 他因在街上有妨害治安行为而被捕.
He was arrested for exposing himself in the park. 他因在公园里当众暴露生殖器而被捕。
He was arrested for robbery. 他因抢劫而被捕。
He was arrested for smuggling out currency. 他因携带货币出境而被捕。
He was arrested for trying to manipulate the company's financial records. 他因企图窜改公司财务记录而被逮捕。
He was arrested in connection with two earlier wildfires. 他曾因涉嫌两次纵火案而被逮捕过。
He was arrested in relation to the murder case. 他涉及那桩谋杀案被拘捕。

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