The main research projects have the synthesizing development and deep processing technology of bitter buckwheat、the producing technology of the low calories oils by bio-technology、the development and application technology of fruit-vegetable dietetic fibe
主要研究项目有:苦荞麦的综合开发及深加工技术、生物法低热量油脂生产技术、天然高活性果蔬膳食纤维开发及应用、红薯全价产业化开发、大豆综合开发技术、食品添加剂开发与生产技术等。 |
The main responsibility of a firewall is to block access in more complex manner than that provided by ACLs.
防火墙的主要职责是提供一种比ACL更为复杂的访问阻塞方式。强烈建议设立防火墙来确保更深一层的保护和对恶意代码的过滤。 |
The main results indicate that the levels of executive pay are largely driven by firm size, not by firm performance, and equity-based compensation does not necessarily motivate managers to maximize shareholders' wealth and improve firm performance, and mo
主要结论表明香港上市公司的管理效用的水平主要由公司规模决定,而非公司的市场业绩;同时以股份为工具的补偿机制也不能有效促进管理层对小股东的利益和公司业绩的关注,董事会也未能有效制订对高级经理层的补偿奖励合约。 |
The main risk to a borrower is that the cost of borrowing may become higher than they can handle.
对借款人来说,主要的风险就在于借款的代价可能比他们能够承受的还要高。 |
The main road was flooded so we had to go round by narrow country lanes.
公路干线遭水淹没,我们只得择乡间小径绕行。 |
The main road was no more, but there was still an earthen track that my Giant Trackbicycle could cope with.
干道已尽,但还有一条泥泞路,我的自行车尚能应付。 |
The main room is filthy and squalid.
大屋子十分肮脏污秽。 |
The main sales of special steel companies, If carbon steel guitar, a guitar steel, stainless steel, spring steel, with the steel, heat-resisting steel, and based on user needs sugar processing various materials can be expected on the basis of the specific
本公司主要销售各种特殊钢,如碳结钢,合结钢,不锈钢,弹簧钢,合工钢,耐热钢,并可根据用户需要加工各种材质锻件,也可根据用户具体需要下料。 |
The main samaya comes from devotion.
主要的三昧耶是立基于虔敬。 |
The main scene in the Park is the Cinderella Castle lying in the middle of the water, forming the main theme of a world of fairytales with Pinocchio, Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and Ikkyu and other figures in children's stories.
美丽的灰姑娘塑像伫立于城堡前的碧水中,与四周雕饰的童话人物匹诺曹、米老鼠、唐老鸭、玛亚、一休等融为一体,构成了一个极富童话色彩的美妙世界。 |
The main scenic spots include pagoda-tree of the Tang Dynasty, Xingguo Temple, Nine Spots Terrace, Wenchang Temple, Shun Temple and Stone Buddhist Head.
主要景点有唐代的宝塔树,兴国寺,九,文昌庙,舜寺和石佛头。 |