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B Yes. I'm looking for a leather jacket for my son. He's 12.

B Yes. Hello, Paul. Glad to meet you. 是的,保罗。很高兴见到你。
B Yes. I think Beijing needs more buses, trai and metro trai . 是的。我想北京需要更多的公共汽车、火车和地铁。
B Yes. I think Beijing needs more buses, trains and metro trains. 是的。我想北京需要更多的公共汽车、火车和地铁。
B Yes. I work with people with orts injuries. 是的。我的工作面对的是那些在体育运动中受伤的人。
B Yes. I work with people with sports injuries. 是的。我的工作面对的是那些在体育运动中受伤的人。
B Yes. I'm looking for a leather jacket for my son. He's 12. 是的。我想给我的儿子买一件皮夹克。他12岁。
B Yes. I'm sure there will be a lot of athletes needing physiotherapy. 是的。我想到时候会有很多运动员需要物理疗法。.
B Yes. It's the same in New York, or Paris. Good tra ort systems help. 是的。纽约、巴黎和这里一样。发达的交通系统有助于减少交通堵塞。
B Yes. Quite near here. Just 5 minutes by taxi. 是的。离这里非常近。坐出租只需5分钟。
B Yes? What can I do for you? 啊,什么事我能帮忙吗?
B Yes, can I try on those shoes, please? The brown ones. 是的,我能试试那双鞋吗?褐色的那双。

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