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He has always dealt well by me.

He has always been a master at accumulating cash—from the airlines he acquires, investments and the sale of airlines. 从收购航空公司、投资以及出售航空公司中,他一向都显出累积现款的长才。
He has always been a very dutiful son, and his father is very fond of him . 他一直是个非常孝顺的儿子,他的爸爸很喜欢他。
He has always been envious of his older brother who was perfect in his parents' eyes. 在父母眼中,哥哥无论干甚么都是完美的,令弟弟十分嫉妒。
He has always been my idol since I was a kid. 在我还是个孩子的时候就以他为偶像。
He has always been strongly antipathetic to the views of the women's movement. 他对女性运动的主张向来感到反感。
He has always dealt well by me. 他一贯对我很好.
He has always insisted on his being called Dr Turner instead of Mr.Turner. 他一直坚持让别人叫他特纳医生而不是特纳先生.
He has always looked up to his father. 他一向尊敬他的父亲。
He has always shown scant regard for the plight of his people, caring only for the security of his regime. 金先生一直很少关心民众的疾苦,只关心他政权的安危。
He has always stubbornly believes that it is extraordinary, and as a result, he would like to own too strong, while others think too fragile. 他总是固执地认为自己有超乎寻常的承受力,他将自己想得太坚强,而把别人想得太脆弱。
He has always wanted to have the ability of altering fate, and he has dedicated his whole life for it. 他一直想要对能改变命运的事运筹帷幄,并且终其一生为此在忙。

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