SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australians have a reputation as big drinkers but a new report has found many can not handle their hangovers, with Australians claiming more than 2.6 million sick days a year as a result of a night on the booze.
据路透社12月11日报道,澳大利亚人喜欢开怀畅饮,但最新公布的一项调查结果显示,该国不少人其实根本把握不住自己的酒量,他们每年由于彻夜狂饮而导致第二天误工的天数加起来已经超过了260万天。 |
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Climate change is affecting the growth of fish, with those living in warmer, shallow waters growing faster and species in cooling deep ocean waters growing slower, according to an Australian study.
悉尼(路透社)——根据澳大利亚的一项研究表明,气候变化正影响着鱼的生长,生活在温暖而又浅的海水里的鱼会生长得快一些,而生活在寒冷且深的海水里的鱼会生长得慢一些。 |
SYDNEY (XFN-ASIA) - The US dollar continued to weaken against the yen and euro in midafternoon trade here following the soft 0.1 pct rise in US CPI for the month of March, and other weaker economic indicators released overnight, dealers said.
交易商表示:昨天公布的3月美国CPI温和月升0.1%,一系列疲软的经济数据促使美元兑日元、欧元今日午盘继续走低。 |
SYDNEY (XFN-ASIA) - The US dollar was slightly higher against the major currencies here as trade tensions between the US and China reemerge, weighing on the US currency, dealers said.
交易员表示,由于中美再次出现贸易冲突,美元兑其它主要货币悉尼早盘小幅走高。 |
SYDNEY - A saloon-style striptease at an Australian government-sponsored conference on global warming left some scientists and government officials hot and bothered.
不久前,在澳大利亚政府赞助的全球气候变暖研讨会的晚宴上,一场由脱衣舞女郎带来的舞蹈表演让在场的许多科学家和政府官员纷纷尴尬退场。 |
SYDNEY, AFP — A study on Australia's famed Great Barrier Reef has found what researchers believe is proof of a link between coral disease and warmer ocean temperatures caused by global warming.
雪梨,法新社—研究人员相信一份针对澳洲著名大堡礁之研究,足以证明全球暖化所造成之海水暖化与珊瑚疾病间的关联。 |
SYDNEY, Jan 17 (Reuters Life!) - The thought of growing old may be unbearable to some humans, but for two bears who turned 30 on Wednesday, ageing is far from unsavoury.
变老对于某些人而言是不愿面对的现实,但对悉尼两只迎来30岁生日的灰熊来说是一件开心的事。 |
SYLODENT combines the benefits of uniquely shaped edges with precise control of particle size for excellent cleaning and whitening.
SYLODENT亮洁粒子结合独特形状及精确控制颗粒大小的优点,拥有最完美的清洁与洁白牙齿的效果。 |
SYLODENT employs precisely controlled particle sizes to provide an excellent cleaning and whitening performance.
大小经精确控制的亮洁粒子,提供最完美的清洁与洁白牙齿效果。 |
SYLVIA: I drink tea, or juice.
思维亚:我喝茶或果汁。 |
SYLVIA: I will have one too then. But you must promise not to laugh at my red face.
思维亚:那么我也来一杯,但是你答应不许笑我脸红。 |