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James: *(James bowls his second ball.) No! I hate it when I split the pins like that. I always miss when I get a split.

James, a bond-servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, To the twelve tribes who are dispersed abroad: Greetings. 雅1:1作神和主耶稣基督仆人的雅各、请散住十二个支派之人的安。
James, a slave of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes in the dispersion: Rejoice! 1神和主耶稣基督的奴仆雅各,写信给散居的十二个支派:愿你们喜乐。
James, many thanks for freeing up some of your time. What do you feel are the main differences between playing basketball in Taiwan and the States? 谢谢毛毛抽空跟我们聊聊。你觉得台湾和美国职篮最不同的地方是什麽?
James1:5 in the new Testament says: If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, ...and it will be given to him. 新约圣经雅歌书1章5节说:“如果你们中间有缺少智慧的应该向上帝祈求,他会赐智慧给他们...”
James: *(James bowls again.) Yes! A spare! I'm starting to make a comeback. 詹姆士:*〈詹姆士再度丢球。〉耶!剩下的都倒了!我开始要扳回局势了。
James: *(James bowls his second ball.) No! I hate it when I split the pins like that. I always miss when I get a split. 詹姆士:*〈詹姆士丢出第二个球。〉糟糕!我最讨厌打这种开花的球了!我每次都打不到站卫兵的球瓶。
James: *(James bowls his third ball.) No! It's going for the gutter. Oh no! I rolled a gutter ball! 詹姆士:*〈詹姆士丢出第三个球。〉糟了!球往沟边去了!唉呀!洗沟了!
James: ...Maria? That thing... it stabbed you. There was blood everywhere. 詹姆斯:。。。玛利亚?那东西。。。刺到你了。到处都是血。
James: Ah, the coffee smells great, is that bagel ready? I'm starving. 啊,咖啡闻起来太棒了!面包圈好了吗?我饿死了。
James: Are these marks... blood!? 詹姆斯:这些难道是。。。血迹吗?
James: Are you really taking twenty-one credits this semester? 你这学期真的要选21个学分吗?

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