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The American College of Sports Medicine recommends you get your heart rate up and sustain it for 20-60 minutes, at least 3-5 days a week.

The American Chamber of Commerce Tuesday issues a tough white paperon piracy violations and practices in China. 星期二,美国商会发布了一份针对中国盗版侵权行为的措辞强硬的白皮书。
The American Civil Liberties Union (www.aclu.org) is a private nationwide organization of lawyers that was set up in 1920 to defend Americans in the exercise of the freedoms guaranteed in the Bill of Rights, the amendments to the US Constitution that decl 美国自由民盟是一个全国性民间律师组织,创建于1920年,宗旨是为捍卫美国人民在实践权利法案也就是美国宪法修正案所保证的但政府有可能并不实行的诸项自由。
The American Civil war broke out in 1861. 1861年美国爆发了南北战争。
The American Clinical Neurophysiology Society is a professional association dedicated to fostering excellence in clinical neurophysiology and furthering the understanding of central nervous system function in health and disease through education, research 美国临床神经生理学会:此专业学会透过教育、研究与提供交流讨论会,致力于促进临床神经生理学的卓越与推动对中枢神经系统的健康与疾病的了解。
The American College of Cardiology has published guidelines for head up tilt-table testing (3). 美国心脏病学会出版了倾斜试验的指南[3]。
The American College of Sports Medicine recommends you get your heart rate up and sustain it for 20-60 minutes, at least 3-5 days a week. 美国运动医学学院推荐:每周有3-5天,提高心跳频率并保持20-60分钟。
The American Congress consists of the House of Representatives and Senate. 美国国会由众议院与 参议院构成.
The American Congress corresponds to the British Parliament. 美国的国会相当於英国的议会.
The American Congress corresponds to the British Parliament. 美国国会相当于英国议会。
The American Depositary Shares (ADSS) and H shares of PetroChina were listed on the New York Stock Exchange and the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited on April 6,2000 and April 7,2000, respectively. 中国石油发行的美国存托股份及H股于2000年4月6日及4月7日分别在纽约证券交易所有限公司及香港联合交易所有限公司挂牌上市。
The American Dream is an American ideal of a happy and successful life to which all may aspire, and to live better than their parents did. 美国梦是人人追求和向往的成功幸福的人生理想。我们要比我们的上一代过得更好。

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