Australia is a large country with many scenic spots and it is one of the wild areas in savagery as well.
澳大利亚地大物博,自然风光无限,同时也是目前地球上仍然保有原始状态的荒野少数地区之一。 |
Australia is a low-cost producer and major exporter, with capacity to produce more than 5-million tones of sugar annually.
澳大利亚是一个低成本的产糖国,也是世界上主要的糖出口国,年出口能力超过500万吨。 |
Australia is affluent in natural resources.
澳大利亚的自然资源丰富。 |
Australia is an English speaking nation.
澳大利亚是一个讲英语的国家。 |
Australia is an English-speaking country.
澳大利亚是一个说英语的国家。 |
Australia is an unicameral country.
澳大利亚是一院制的国家。 |
Australia is so kind that, just tickles her with a hoe, and she laughs with a harvest.
澳洲是这么可亲,只要用锄头逗她发痒,她就会带着收获笑逐颜开了。 |
Australia is the province of the kangaroo.
澳大利亚是袋鼠的生长地。 |
Australia is to sell uranium to Russia as long as the substance, used to generate nuclear power, is not resold to Iran.
澳洲将销售铀给俄国像物质一样的长期的,被用来产生核能,是不对伊朗经销。 |
Australia opens its first parliament in Melbourne.
1901年的今天,澳大利亚的首个国会在墨尔本开始运行。 |
Australia recently joined the Asian Football Confederation and from the next World Cup will contest for one of their qualification spots.
澳大利亚已经加入亚足联,从下一界世界杯开始就为世界杯的入场券一起竞争了。 |